Two moves before bed to prolong life

06:30, December 30, 2016 Beijing Business Daily
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 Two moves to nourish life before going to bed Two moves to nourish life before going to bed

   Rubbing feet before going to bed every day can promote the movement of qi and blood, relax muscles and activate collaterals, and balance yin and yang. First soak your feet in 40 ℃ warm water for 20 minutes, then hold the front of the left foot back with your left hand and rub it up and down with your right hand for 100 times along the center of the foot, so that the center of the foot is heated; Then hold the right foot with your right hand, and rub it up and down with your left hand for 100 times along the center of the foot. The degree of rubbing should be comfortable for you. When rubbing feet, you should move your toes. The thumb is the pathway of the liver and spleen channels. More movement of the thumb can relax the liver, strengthen the stomach and increase appetite. After rubbing feet, the temperature rises slightly due to the expansion of capillaries. Do not wash feet with cold water.

  It is an old saying to comb your hair for health preservation. If a female friend combs her hair every day before going to bed, she can get twice the result with half the effort. Ancient medical experts have found many acupoints on the head. Through combing, it can play the role of massage, stimulation, calming the liver, opening the mind, relieving pain and improving eyesight. Especially for women, combing hair can unblock the meridians, dredge the blood flow in the head, nourish the hair, and prevent alopecia When combing your hair, you must comb it all. No matter in the middle or on both sides, you should comb it from the hairline of your forehead to the root of your neck. Each part should be combed at least 50 times before it is effective. The upper limit is based on your comfort. Horn comb, jade comb and wood comb are the best.

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