Put something in your shoes to support people

07:10, December 30, 2016 China Economic Network
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Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life, but now there are more and more unexpected diseases, which are unknowingly endangering human health and putting people on the edge of life and death. In life, more often than not, for diseases, we are wise after the fact. We only think about it after the occurrence of the disease. We knew this earlier and should have done it in the first place. Disease prevention can start with small things in life, such as cleaning shoes to protect feet. In today's society, many people's diseases can be seen from their feet. A pair of clean shoes can put a layer of protective clothing on their health. Here is an introduction to how they can keep away from diseases if they put this thing on their shoes.

 It's very nourishing to put something in your shoes It's very nourishing to put something in your shoes

   1、 Clean shoes, healthy feet

As the old saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It can be seen that feet have a great impact on a person's health.

In terms of health preservation, we often hear that health experts say that feet are the "barometer" of the body, and we should be careful with changes. It can be said that clean feet have a great impact on a person's health.

Having a pair of clean shoes can provide a very good space for clean feet.

The clean shoes mentioned here are not to buy new shoes, nor to brush every time you wear them, but to support your feet with shoes. A pair of clean shoes can protect healthy feet.

The mission of shoes is to facilitate walking. Whether it is a pair of famous brand shoes worth tens of thousands of yuan or a pair of street goods worth more than ten yuan, their use value is the same and they can help people walk.

Of course, such use is moderate. If you only wear one pair of shoes a year, it will hurt the shoes and even more the feet.

To protect shoes is to protect feet. How to protect shoes is attracting more and more attention.

   2、 Choose the right shoes

In order to keep shoes clean, many people will choose to brush shoes regularly. In their opinion, regular shoe brushing can protect shoes well. In fact, frequent shoe brushing will aggravate the damage of shoes and reduce their use value.

Wearing shoes is the same as eating food. In terms of food intake, the food in season is the most nutritious. So is wearing shoes. Wearing shoes in the right season is the protection of feet and shoes. For example, sandals can be worn in summer, but it is better not to wear boots in winter.

At the same time, for many people who sweat too much on their feet, it is better to change their shoes when wearing shoes. Otherwise, sweat on their feet will lead to the accumulation of germs. Feet are very easy to be infected with germs, which will leave hidden dangers to health.

Therefore, it is very important to choose the right shoes when wearing shoes.

   3、 Put tea in shoes

When many people drink tea, a bag of tea is poured into the sewer after being soaked only a few times. In fact, tea can be reused.

Although the tea that has been soaked several times is not as effective as fresh tea, it still has many uses.

Many people sew tea dregs into pillows after drying them. In their opinion, pillows made of tea dregs can help people sleep well.

Indeed, such tea pillows help people sleep far more than some expensive pillows in the market.

For the removal of shoe odor, tea can also be used.

Tea itself has the effect of removing odor. Tea can also absorb the odor in the air. For many friends with foot odor, tea bags can be made from tea when they return home every day. Putting such tea bags into shoes is very helpful to absorb the odor of shoes. When wearing shoes the next morning, It will be found that there is a faint fragrance in the shoes.

In addition, many people will burn tea leaves in their lives. In the burning smoke, putting shoes on them for a while can also clean up the odor.

   4、 Charcoal to remove odor

It is not uncommon to use charcoal to remove odor in life.

For car owners, if there is a smell in the car, they will use orange peel or charcoal to remove the smell. For many families, refrigerators are easy to ignore, but they don't want to have a lot of bacteria in them. If you don't pay attention to such bacteria, it will cause serious bacterial infection. However, using charcoal to dilute odor and remove bacteria is something that many housewives like to do. It can be said that charcoal is a good helper for many housewives.

In fact, a small bag of charcoal can also be used to remove shoe odor.

There are many tiny fiber holes on the charcoal. Such fiber holes have the ability of adsorption. They can remove odor in the air, damp gas and harmful substances.

Some people will use charcoal to absorb the water of bonsai, providing a good living space for the growth of microorganisms in bonsai, and greatly improving the disease resistance and insect resistance of bonsai.

   5、 Alcohol to remove odor

When it comes to alcohol, many people will say that alcohol is used more in medicine and can kill bacteria and bacteria.

Indeed, alcohol is widely used in medicine to wipe wounds and clean up germs. In life, there are also good ways to use alcohol have a fever For serious people, it can be achieved by smearing alcohol to cool down, which is the use of alcohol's heat absorption ability.

Here, we suggest that you use alcohol to remove the odor of shoes, mainly considering the sterilization ability of alcohol. For the odor of shoes, you can pour alcohol on paper towels, put such paper towels in shoes, and place them in a cool place at home to kill bacteria and odor.

This is mainly due to the fact that alcohol is a highly volatile substance, which can play the role of sterilization and odor removal in the process of volatilizing odor.

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