These five dishes are "three high" killers? It only takes a few minutes to learn!

12:43, December 29, 2016 Sina Health micro-blog
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Source: WeChat official account of health magazine

The smog in the city makes people worried. What is more annoying than this is the "three highs". It's really hard to fight against the "three highs" for a long time, and the medicine cannot stop. But choosing the right ingredients will also help the treatment effect.

Today, you will recommend five dishes that are most feared by the "three highs". The ingredients are easy to get, the cooking method is fast and convenient, and you can learn them every minute.

 These five dishes are "three high" killers? It only takes a few minutes to learn! These five dishes are "three high" killers? It only takes a few minutes to learn!

  Pickled chilli and sugar ginger:


Yes, you are right. Peppers are the condiments that many diseases need to avoid. In fact, peppers contain the highest proportion of vitamin C in all foods.

This vitamin C can improve the microcirculation of the body, reduce capillary brittleness, and reduce cholesterol content. It is a natural lipid lowering food. Of course, although chili is good, you can't eat more~

Raw materials:

Pepper, sweet ginger, ginger vinegar


1. Prepare chilli and ginger, wash and chop chilli, slice ginger for standby;

2. Add salt and ginger slices, mix well, pour in sweet garlic and ginger vinegar, mix well, cover with plastic wrap, refrigerate, marinate for several days, and then eat.


Sugar garlic can remove greasy, and can also promote digestion and absorption of the human body. Both can increase appetite and reduce blood fat.

  Stir fried shredded kelp:

Reduce blood pressure, lipid and glucose

Kelp is rich in taurine, which can lower blood pressure and cholesterol. The Japanese call it "longevity vegetable".

Kelp can bring the fat in chyme out of the body in the intestinal tract, so it has a good role in reducing lipid. The fucoidan in kelp is a good dietary fiber. After eating kelp, it can delay the time of gastric emptying and food passing through the small intestine, and help control blood sugar.

Raw materials:

Fresh sea head (appropriate) Chicken breast Meat (moderate), carrot (moderate)


1. Rinse fresh kelp, cut it into thin shreds, cut carrot into thin shreds, cut chicken breast into thin shreds, and press garlic into mud;

2. Put water into the pot, boil it and then put it into the water in the order of shredded chicken - carrot - kelp, blanch it until the water boils again;

3. Take out all the raw materials, control the water, and then put them into the ice water to cool, take out and drain the water;

4. Put it into a large bowl, add mashed garlic, then add sugar, vinegar and salt, mix well;

5. Heat a small pot, add some peanut oil and a few dry peppers, stir and fry slowly over a small heat until the peppers become dark red;

6. Pour in the raw material while it is hot, cover it immediately, stew for 3 or 5 minutes, and mix well again.

  Scrambled Eggs with Onions and Carrots:

Reduce blood pressure, bile pressure and blood sugar

Onion is the only plant containing prostaglandin A, which is a natural blood thinner. It can dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, reduce peripheral blood vessels and increase coronary blood flow to prevent thrombus Formation, and eggs also have ingredients that help reduce cholesterol.

Several studies have also found that eating onions regularly can also improve blood sugar levels and prevent bacterial infection.

Raw materials:

Onions (one), carrots (half), eggs (three), ginger (moderate), garlic (moderate), fresh chicken juice


1. Shred carrots and onions, beat eggs and set aside, chopped ginger and garlic;

2. Blanch carrots with card water to cool them;

3. Stir fry the egg mixture in a wok until the oil is gone, then add a little oil to stir fry the chopped ginger and garlic, then add onions and carrots to stir fry;

4. Add salt, sugar, fresh chicken juice and stir well; Add the scrambled eggs and stir them evenly.

Steamed yam:

Reduce blood fat and protect stomach

Yam has the reputation of "food of immortals". It is rich in various vitamins and minerals, which can help the heart and brain health.

The active ingredients such as glycoprotein and mannan contained in fresh tubers can also effectively prevent blood lipids from settling on the vascular wall, thus reducing blood lipids and preventing Arteriosclerosis The efficacy of.

Raw materials:

Chinese yam 600g


1. Rinse and peel the yam, cut it into 1cm pieces, and put it on a plate for standby;

2. Put enough cold water in the pot, boil it over high heat, steam the yam for 30 minutes, take it out and let it dry.

3. Sprinkle with sugar and enjoy.

  Spinach and egg soup:

Reduce blood fat and protect blood vessels

Spinach contains a large amount of carotene, potassium, vitamin C and other antioxidants, which can help slow down the damage of free radicals to blood vessels. The rich potassium can help lower blood pressure.

Now is the season to eat spinach, and this dish is the easiest to use. It can also be regarded as a home-made dish, but you just know its efficacy now.

Raw materials:

Spinach, egg, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate


1. Rinse spinach and cut into sections; Boil water in the pot and add spinach.

2. Break up the egg liquid, slowly pour it into the pot, and slowly stir it while pouring. Do not use too much force, as the eggs will be too broken and ugly.

3. Pour in a little sesame oil, add a little salt, and put a little MSG before cooking!

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