The kidney sends five distress signals Don't ignore

17:54, December 29, 2016 Life Times micro-blog
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If the human body is compared to a running company, the kidney is definitely a good employee who works silently and works hard. Two kidneys, the size of a fist, filter and clean 200 liters of blood every day, equivalent to 10 barrels of drinking water! In addition, the kidney is also characterized by "slight injury without falling into the line of fire". The kidney not only has a huge compensatory function, but also the symptoms after the disease are often very hidden, so that many patients ignore it, and it becomes painful in the end.

However, there are still some clues that your kidney needs to be "overhauled". Associate Professor Zhang Luxia, Department of Nephrology, Peking University First Hospital, reminds you not to ignore these distress signals sent by your kidney:

 Be alert to the distress signal sent by the kidney Be alert to the distress signal sent by the kidney

  1. Change of urine volume

Normal people urinate 1000-2000ml every day, with an average of 1500ml. Whether the urine volume becomes more or less, it may be a manifestation of kidney disease. In particular, normal people rarely urinate at night. If you find that you have to get up several times at night, and you don't drink much water before going to bed, you should be more alert to kidney diseases.

   2. Change of urine character

Normal people's urine color is transparent light yellow. If they drink less water or urinate for the first time in the morning, the color is slightly darker. If the urine color is red or there is much foam in the urine, please go to the nephrology department for examination.

3. Edema

The kidney is the body's organ for metabolizing water. If the kidney is bad, water will accumulate. Some people wake up in the morning and find that their eyelids are puffy, or their feet and legs are puffy. They should consider the problem of kidneys.

  4. Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and vomiting

When kidney disease develops to the end stage, it will affect the gastrointestinal function, leading to nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and other symptoms. Therefore, in addition to seeing the digestive department, attention should be paid to excluding kidney disease.

   5. skin Itch

In patients with end-stage renal disease, urea in the body cannot be excreted through urine, but will be excreted through the skin, thus stimulating the skin; In addition, toxins accumulated in the body can cause peripheral neuropathy and skin itching.

Finally, Zhang Luxia stressed that some of the above signals of kidney disease occurred in the early stage, and some were already in the late stage. Therefore, it is not enough to judge whether your kidney is healthy by symptoms alone. "We must pay attention to physical examination, especially for the elderly and those with hypertension diabetes High risk group of diseases such as abnormal blood uric acid. "

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