To nourish the liver is to nourish the life. Come and learn some moves

06:41, December 22, 2016 Life Times micro-blog
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Speaker: Guo Peng, Chief Physician of Hepatology Department, Xiyuan Hospital, Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The liver is the largest metabolic organ of the human body. The food we eat requires the liver to synthesize and decompose. But the liver is also an organ that is easy to get sick, so daily maintenance is very important.

The liver is the "chemical factory" of the human body. The main physiological functions of the liver are about 1500 kinds. It is the "chemical factory" of the human body, which can synthesize proteins, enzymes and various substances needed by the body. The liver is also the largest digestive organ of the human body. It secretes bile through liver cells to help the digestive function of the human body. The liver also has a reserve function, storing vitamins, fat, sugar and other energy and materials necessary for the human body.

 Photo source: Visual China Photo source: Visual China

The probability of liver "error" is high. The more work you do, the greater the probability of "mistakes". The liver has multiple functions and heavy tasks. It is an organ prone to "illness". What you are most familiar with is hepatitis , except hepatitis A hepatitis B , hepatitis C, hepatitis E, etc Viral hepatitis Besides, there are Alcoholic hepatitis Fatty hepatitis, drug hepatitis Autoimmune liver disease Etc.

TCM believes that "nourishing the liver is nourishing the life". If the liver metabolism is abnormal, the nutrients needed by the human body cannot be supplied in time, and all organs of the body cannot work normally: the eyes that should be bright will be dry and sluggish due to lack of liver blood, and the nails that should be smooth and tough will also be dry and deformed. If the liver is unable to detoxify normally, the toxin will stay in the body, the most beautiful woman will become a "yellow faced woman", and the strongest man will be depressed. If you want to be healthy, you must first protect your liver. This is what Chinese medicine says: "Nourishing the liver is nourishing your life".

There are pathological changes in the liver. The first is stagnation of liver qi, which is always in a bad mood and sighing. At this time, go out for a look, adjust your mood, and you may get better. If you don't pay attention to it, it will cause blood stasis, leading to aggravation of the disease. When doctors use drugs in clinical practice, they will not only prescribe some liver soothing drugs to patients, but also use some blood activating drugs to ease the condition.   

The liver also has a great influence on the function of the spleen and stomach. Insufficient liver qi will affect the digestive function. If the stomach function is abnormal, food can not be digested. People always feel abdominal distention At this time, under the guidance of a doctor, you can take Chinese medicine to soothe the liver and nourish the stomach. At ordinary times, you can walk more to let the qi machine run and activate the liver qi.   

In addition, abnormal liver qi will affect the spleen, leading to liver depression and spleen deficiency abdominal pain diarrhea And so on, Fatty liver It belongs to spleen deficiency. At this time, under the guidance of the doctor, you can take the medicine of soothing the liver and strengthening the spleen.

Pay attention to the daily recuperation of the liver. First, eat moderately. To maintain the liver, you can eat foods rich in vitamins and protein, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. The premise is to control the consumption. If the intake of calories is too high and can not be consumed, liver disease will also occur. Second, start in the morning. The ancients said that "dancing when hearing the chicken", it can be seen that exercise in the morning is of great benefit to the body. Morning is the time when liver qi is most active. At this time, you can walk and move to mobilize the qi and adjust the liver function to the best state. If you sleep late, your liver function will also be affected and you will have no strength. Third, regular activities. When you feel tired, stretch your waist and exercise your muscles and bones to activate your qi and blood. Occasionally, riding a bike to work seems to be a simple activity, but it is a good way to nourish the liver. Fourth, massage acupoints. You can knock the Gall Bladder Meridian every day. The Gall Bladder Meridian is located on the outside of the body, and you can knock the outside of the left and right thighs 50 times each with a little force with your hands clenched. Knocking the gall bladder meridian can accelerate the secretion of bile, improve the absorption ability of the human body, and at the same time, it can regulate emotions and relieve tension. ▲ (Life Times reporter Zhang Mian)

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