Ginger soaking feet in winter has magical effects

05:59, December 22, 2016 Life Times micro-blog
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In winter, cold hands and feet, coughing in cold weather, chapped hands and feet, etc. will trouble many people. The habit of foot bath in winter helps to prevent these "minor diseases". Life Times specially invited Professor Li Feng from the School of Basic Medicine of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to introduce some simple and effective "small prescriptions" for foot bath, which can be selected according to your symptoms.

 Ginger soaking feet in winter has magical effects Ginger soaking feet in winter has magical effects

  1. Ginger

Dispel cold

Ginger in traditional Chinese medicine belongs to pungent and warm relieving exterior medicine, which has the effect of dispelling cold and relieving exterior, and has less toxic and side effects. Modern medicine believes that ginger can stimulate capillaries, improve local blood circulation and metabolism. People who are afraid of cold and easy to get cold hands and feet can soak their feet with ginger.

It should be noted that soaking ginger feet is not about soaking ginger in hot water for a while, but generally taking 15-30 grams of ginger (about half of medium sized ginger), flattening it, putting a small half pot of water into the pot, covering the pot and boiling it in hot water for about 10 minutes. After cooking, pour out all ginger water, and add some cold water to about 40 ℃ (generally it is better not to feel hot). When soaking feet, the water should be below the ankle. You'd better rub your feet while soaking.

Many of the medicinal ingredients in ginger are small molecular substances, which can be prevented from volatilizing by covering the pot and boiling. The amount of half a piece of ginger is the amount of half a basin of water that is used to soak feet in ordinary families. If the amount of water used for soaking feet is more, or the symptoms of cold are more serious, the amount of ginger can be increased as appropriate. After soaking in ginger water for a period of time, the cold phobia can generally be improved to a certain extent.

  2. Cinnamon


Cinnamon, also known as cinnamon, official cinnamon or cinnamon, and Chinese prickly ash are commonly used spices in families, both of which have the function of warming the kidney yang. Soaking feet with them can relieve edema caused by kidney disease.

Nephrogenic edema is edema caused by renal function problems or diseases. Generally, it first occurs at the part with loose tissue, such as the eyelid or face, ankle, which is most obvious when getting up in the morning. Depressions can occur when pressing the skin of the edema part with fingers. If there is nephrogenic edema, you can use 15 grams of pepper and cinnamon (a pinch or a small piece) to soak the feet. The method of boiling is the same as that of boiling ginger. Continuous foot soaking with this method can play a certain role in detumescence.

If edema symptoms begin to appear at the drooping parts of the body (such as legs) and gradually develop to other parts of the body, it may be cardiogenic edema caused by heart function problems. This edema can be soaked in the ginger boiling water mentioned above, which can promote the blood circulation of the lower limbs, so as to help reduce the edema.

3. Wormwood

Warming lung

According to Compendium of Materia Medica, wormwood is a kind of medicine with warm nature, bitter taste and no toxicity. It is also commonly used in acupuncture and moxibustion, so it is also called "medical herb". Soaking feet with wormwood can also improve lung function chronic bronchitis It's good for people who have white phlegm.

The method of soaking wormwood feet is similar to that of soaking ginger feet. Generally, 30-50g (a small handful) dry wormwood feet are soaked in boiling water. The boiling method is the same as that mentioned above.

Patients with severe cold and dampness can soak their feet with wormwood once a week. You can also drink a cup of ginger and red date water (10 dried red dates plus two pieces of ginger, plus 10 bowls of water for two hours) as an aid while soaking your feet in wormwood water.

During soaking feet with wormwood, you should pay attention to drinking more warm water, eating less cold food and taking a rest. The discomfort of head, face, throat and chronic bronchitis caused by deficiency heat and excess fire can be alleviated to a certain extent.

   have a fever And with hypotension diabetes People should soak their feet with wormwood under the guidance of doctors. And soak your feet with wormwood 2-3 times a week, not too frequently. Because soaking the feet with wormwood can ignite the fire and go down, sometimes it will cause a lack of life on the head and face, which is easy to cause dizzy headache It can also cause emotional changes.

  4. Safflower

Anti chilblains

Safflower is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine commonly used in gynecology. It can promote blood circulation, smooth menstruation, remove stasis and relieve pain. People who are prone to chilblain and chapped skin in winter should use safflower bubble feet early in autumn, which can play a very good role in prevention.

Take 10-15g (about a pinch) of safflower and boil water to soak feet in the method mentioned before, which can prevent and improve frostbite. Every winter, someone's hands and feet are often cracked and broken, but once this happens, it takes a long time to recover. Choosing to soak feet with safflower can also prevent this from happening to a certain extent.

If 30-50g dry wormwood and 10-15g safflower are used to boil water at the same time for soaking feet, it can also improve blood circulation, prevent and reduce varicosity , peripheral neuritis.

If the blood circulation is poor, the hands and feet are prone to numbness at ordinary times, or there is congestion in the lower limbs, you can use these two herbs to soak your feet together. After soaking feet, not only can blood circulation problems be improved, but also can improve the quality of sleep to a certain extent. stay cold During this period, the feet soaked with safflower and wormwood can also play a therapeutic role.

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