Two types of people should be cautious about eating medlar

06:30, October 25, 2016 Xinhua
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   Reading guide: When it comes to wolfberry, people usually think of its benefits. They know that it is a kind of food that is beneficial to human health. Indeed, wolfberry has many functions, and it can also play a very good role in tonifying the kidney. But everything can not be perfect, and wolfberry also has its certain shortcomings, that is, eating incorrectly or touching some taboos, Will produce side effects, then, what are the side effects of medlar?

   Excessive consumption has many problems

Lycium barbarum is suitable for people with weak constitution and poor resistance. However, we must insist on taking it for a long time, and take a little every day to get results. Lycium barbarum contains betaine, amino acid, carotene, vitamin B1, B2, C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other ingredients. It is good for human health, but pay attention to the dosage. Excessive consumption of lycium barbarum will make people angry, nosebleed, and even cause red and swollen eyes uncomfortable.

   Two kinds of people had better not eat medlar

   1、 People with yin deficiency easily get angry when eating lycium barbarum

People with yin deficiency constitution in summer should pay attention to the dosage of lycium barbarum, because it is sweet and mild, and excessive dosage can cause inflammation, especially when eaten raw.

   II cold have a fever Don't eat

Although Lycium barbarum has a good nourishing and therapeutic effect, it is not suitable for all people to take it. Because of its strong warming effect, it is catching a cold and has fever, body inflammation diarrhea You'd better not eat. Because medlar has a strong warming effect hypertension People who are too impatient, or who consume a large amount of meat on weekdays, resulting in a reddish face, a cold and fever, inflammation and diarrhea, should not eat it.

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