Why do you have white hair at a young age

03:59, October 25, 2016 Beijing Morning Post
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Although there are many kinds of maintenance products, many people have white hair at a young age, and there are many people who have gray hair early, because few people can guarantee adequate sleep and good sleep quality, Hoary hair This is the result of Yin damage in such a lifestyle.

 Why do you have white hair at a young age Why do you have white hair at a young age

For the treatment of white hair, many people hope for blood tonifying and yin nourishing drugs, such as wolfberry, polygonum multiflorum, black sesame, walnut, etc., but few have obvious effects, why? It is not the wrong medicine, but the wrong time. It is too late to enrich blood and yin.

White hair is the result of yin and blood deficiency, while life pressure is high and mental tension leads to excessive anger, which directly consumes yin blood. When yin blood has been deficient, it starts to replenish yin and nourish blood. At most, it is difficult to reduce or slow down the growth rate and quantity of white hair. It is more difficult to reverse the result of yin and blood deficiency, let alone, If you take the medicine for nourishing blood and yin while reversing the black and white, you can't guarantee enough sleep time and quality, and the medicine for nourishing yin can't make up for the continuous yin injury, how can you spare no effort to make up for the previous yin injury?

Another reason is that the onset time of the drugs for tonifying yin and blood is slower than that of the drugs for tonifying yang and qi. Because "yin" is a "fixed asset", tonifying yin and blood is equivalent to "building a large scale" in the body, which takes time. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine says, "yang can be urgently replenished, but yin cannot be rapidly generated". Therefore, if you want to curb the consequences of yin and blood deficiency and let your body have a full rest in the autumn and winter "closed" season, sleep is the best way to replenish yin.

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