These foods can repair the liver

00:48, September 23, 2016 Family Doctor Online
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Alcohol is not the only thing that will affect the health of the liver. Eating wrong food and bad eating habits will also hurt the liver. Therefore, to ensure liver health, we must eat right food and develop good eating habits. Today, let's make a scientific introduction to what food and eating habits will hurt your liver.

  The four most liver damaging foods

Wine. Alcohol can damage the liver, especially for patients with liver damage. Drinking alcohol is undoubtedly another serious injury to the liver, which can lead to further aggravation of liver damage. For patients with liver disease with low detoxification and metabolic function, acetaldehyde, the intermediate metabolite of alcohol, can directly damage liver cells. Therefore, for patients with poor liver function, it is best to stay away from alcohol.

Food containing preservatives. All kinds of convenient foods, such as instant noodles, sausages, cans, etc., may be added with preservatives and food pigments. Frequent consumption will increase the burden of liver metabolism and detoxification function, especially for patients with poor detoxification ability of the liver.

Moldy food. According to the research, moldy food such as peanut, soybean, corn and other food will produce a carcinogen aflatoxin after moldy, which has a strong hepatotoxicity to the liver, and is easy to lead to damage, denaturation and even necrosis of liver cells, which may then lead to or induce the development of liver cancer, so it is extremely harmful to the body and liver.

Sunflower seeds. It contains unsaturated fatty acids. If eaten too much, it will consume a large amount of choline in the body, which will easily lead to the storage of fat in the liver, thus affecting the function of liver cells.

   Bad eating habits easily damage the liver

Don't like drinking water. One of the main functions of the kidney is to generate urine. When there is too much or too little water in the body, the kidney regulates the urine volume to maintain water balance in the body. If you do not drink water for a long time, the urine output will be reduced, and the concentration of waste and toxin carried in the urine will be increased. Clinically common renal calculus Hydronephrosis Waiting is closely related to not drinking water for a long time. Drinking enough water can dilute the urine, protect the kidney, and help to fully discharge waste and toxins.

Big fish, big meat, high protein. Protein is an essential nutrient for the human body, which is mainly found in eggs, milk, various meats, seafood, beans and other foods. Healthy people can fully meet their daily protein needs through a balanced diet. However, if they eat a long-term high protein diet, because its metabolites such as urea, uric acid, creatinine and other nitrogen containing substances are discharged from the urine, it will increase the burden on the kidneys, Even the kidney is in an "overload" state for a long time, so when you eat a lot of high protein foods or blindly supplement high protein nutrients, it will damage the renal function.

The diet is salty. 95% salt in the diet is metabolized by the kidney. If you eat too salty, the burden on the kidney will naturally increase. At the same time, eating too salty will lead to increased blood pressure, kidney blood can not maintain normal flow, thus inducing kidney disease. It is recommended that the daily salt intake be controlled within 6g.

Drink as water. The sugar, phosphate, caffeine and other ingredients in the drink will promote the excretion of calcium, and the calcium content in the urine will increase, which is easy to form stones. Sports drinks contain extra electrolytes and salts. People with kidney disease should be careful of such drinks. It is recommended to drink less drinks and more plain water to promote the timely discharge of toxins in the body and ensure kidney health.

However, how to eat if you want to nourish the liver?

  What is good for nourishing the liver

Fat is not the enemy of the liver. Look around Fatty liver More and more people believe that fat is the enemy of the liver. In fact, with or without fatty liver, fat is an indispensable nutrient for the liver. Without it, the liver cannot work normally. Experts said: "It is a big mistake that some patients only eat vegetables and fruits after finding out fatty liver." Even if they have fatty liver, they don't have to say goodbye to meat completely. Experts from the nutrition department told the reporter that in order to nourish the liver and protect the liver, the proportion of fat and protein in the daily food should be 20%, and the remaining 60% should be carbohydrates, that is, staple food. The liver needs fat, but it does not mean that it needs too much fat, so low-fat foods such as lean meat, low-fat milk, shrimp, etc. are the first choice.

Protein can repair the liver. Eggs, tofu, milk, fish, chicken, sesame, pine nuts and other "high protein, low calorie" foods are the favorite of the liver. The rich protein in these foods is like a "repairman" of the liver, which can repair liver cells and promote the regeneration of liver cells. Experts said that normal people should ingest more than 90 grams of high-quality protein every day. For people whose liver function has been damaged or weakened, eating more high protein food properly is more conducive to the recovery of the liver and prevent it from further damage. Acute hepatitis The daily intake of protein should not be less than 80 grams per day; suffer from cirrhosis Of the patients should not be less than 100 grams.

The liver loves sugar. Most people do not know that sugar is an important substance to protect the liver. Each gram of glucose can provide about 70% of the energy needed by the human body. If a person is in a state of lack of energy for a long time, it will affect the liver function. Sugar can also synthesize a substance called liver glycogen, which is stored in the liver and can prevent the damage to liver cells caused by ingesting toxins in the body. except diabetes Besides patients, ordinary people can calculate how much sugar they should eat every day according to their weight. One gram of sugar is consumed per kilogram of body weight, and the amount of sugar that an adult weighing 60 kilograms can consume per day should not exceed 60 grams. According to such standards, life expectancy will not be reduced, but it will also be beneficial to health. Generally speaking, the main sources of sugar are rice, pasta, white sugar, honey, fruit juice, fruit, etc. A tablespoon of jam contains about 15g sugar, a can of coke contains about 37g sugar, three pieces of chocolate contains about 9g sugar, and an ice cream cone contains about 10g sugar.

Vitamin A can resist liver cancer. The liver is the human body's "warehouse" for storing vitamins. When the liver is damaged, the ability of the "warehouse" to store vitamins will also decline. Research shows that vitamin A can protect the liver, prevent and inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells in the liver. It can restore the function of normal tissues, and also help patients with chemotherapy reduce cancer Recurrence rate of. Experts said that the daily intake of vitamin A is 800 micrograms for men and 750 micrograms for women. Do not exceed 3000 micrograms to avoid liver damage. It is enough to eat one carrot, 65g chicken liver, 200g canned tuna or a glass of milk every day. Tomatoes, carrots, spinach, animal liver, cod liver oil and dairy products also contain a large amount of vitamin A.

Vitamin B is the "gas station" of liver. Vitamin B is like an "oil depot" in the body. It can accelerate the metabolism of substances and turn them into energy. It can not only "refuel" the liver, but also repair the liver function, prevent liver steatosis, and thus play a role in preventing fatty liver. People who love drinking should especially take more supplements, because some studies have shown that B vitamins can enhance the liver's tolerance to alcohol, thus protecting the liver. As B vitamins can be dissolved in water, they only stay in the body for a few hours, so they must be supplemented every day. Experts said that the daily intake of people who have liver disease should be between 10 mg and 30 mg, and the maximum intake should not exceed 30 mg. Pork, soybeans, rice, mushrooms and other foods contain rich B vitamins, but if it is difficult to take all of them, you can choose some supplements appropriately.

In spring, remember whether the above food can be eaten.

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