These habits aggravate the internal moisture

05:24, September 23, 2016 Sina Health Comprehensive
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Among the six pathogenic evils of "wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness and fire", the dampness evil is the most destructive. Incorrect living habits can also make moisture enter through the void, which is harmful to health. Therefore, we suggest that you must put an end to the following bad habits.

 Bad habits aggravate internal moisture Bad habits aggravate internal moisture

  Bad habits bring moisture

Not enough sleep. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, insufficient sleep is a symptom of spleen deficiency, and a good sleep can also make our bodies lighter. It is recommended that you go to bed before 11:00 every night. Adding some exercise every day will improve your sleep quality.

Strong taste. Gastrointestinal function is related to nutrition and water metabolism, and the best way is to eat a moderate and balanced diet. Fatty, salty and sweet food is not easy to digest, and it is easy to cause flatulence and inflammation. Sweets and fried foods can make the body produce peroxides and aggravate the inflammatory reaction.

Love to eat cold. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that raw and cold food, ice cream or cold fruits and vegetables will stagnate the digestion and absorption function of the stomach and create invasion opportunities for external evils. Therefore, it is not easy to eat too much. It is better to add onions and ginger when cooking to weaken the cold nature of vegetables.

Drink a lot of wine. This is the key factor that aggravates "dampness toxin". From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, alcohol helps damp evil. Therefore, alcohol should be touched as little as possible, not to drown your worries in alcohol.

Less exercise. People who exercise less often have heavy body, weak limbs and other manifestations of high humidity. The more inactive you are, the more moisture will accumulate in your body. Over time, your body may suffer from diseases. Proper exercise, such as running, walking, swimming, etc., can promote the coordinated operation of body organs and accelerate the "moisture elimination".

Always sitting. Sitting for a long time will lead to insufficient brain blood supply, reduce brain oxygen supply and nutrients, and increase fatigue insomnia , memory decline, etc., which can also cause muscle soreness, neck stiffness and headache dizzy

  Removing Dampness and Nourishing Spleen According to Three Points for Health Preservation

The temperature difference between morning and evening is large in this season. At this time, there is a scorching sun in the sky, and there is much water on the ground. The damp heat is mixed with steam, which is the damp heat evil. The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine says that "dampness is connected to the spleen". Because the spleen likes dryness and dislikes dampness, dampness is the most likely to trap the spleen.

Massage Fenglong, Zusanli, Pishu and other three health preserving acupoints to strengthen the spleen and stomach. Among them, Fenglong acupoint is the key point to remove dampness; Spleen Shu can strengthen spleen and stomach; Zusanli can invigorate the middle and qi, unblock the meridians and activate collaterals. Pressing the above three health preserving acupoints 100 times a day is also a good way to dispel dampness and nourish the spleen and stomach.

In addition to massage to remove dampness and nourish the spleen, it can also be used for dietotherapy

Poria porridge - invigorating spleen and removing dampness

Take 100g of japonica rice and clean it; 100 grams of japonica rice and 20 grams of poria cocos powder are put into a pot together. Add a proper amount of water, turn to the fire to boil the water, turn to the mild fire after boiling the water, boil it to erosion, then add some salt and ginger granules, and mix well. Take it every morning and evening, and brown sugar can be added according to taste. Long term consumption can play a role in promoting water and temperature, strengthening the spleen and removing dampness hepatitis It also has certain curative effect.

Wax gourd porridge - diuretic and dehumidifying

100g winter melon and 100g japonica rice. Wash the wax gourd, cut it into small pieces with the skin, put it in the casserole with the japonica rice, add water, and cook it gently until the melon is rotten and the rice is cooked into porridge. Wax gourd is rich in vitamins and essential trace elements for human body. It can diuresis and dispel dampness. It is also a good summer food. This porridge can be made sweet or salty according to the taste. The best time to eat it is in the morning and afternoon.

Job's tears and red bean soup -- invigorating spleen and removing dampness

  Take 30-50g of job's tears and 30-50g of red beans. Method: Rinse job's tears and red beans with clear water, put them into the soup pot, boil for one hour, and season. Efficacy.

Comprehensive Family Doctor Online and Yangcheng Evening News

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