Must see! Eating four kinds of meat will make you sick

06:30, September 23, 2016 Health Times
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Modern medical research shows that there are more than 200 kinds of germs, viruses and other harmful substances that can infect people in the meat of livestock, poultry and fish. Even if some organs with normal physiological functions are eaten by mistake, human health will be affected, even food poisoning , which is called "physiological harmful organ" in medicine.

"Three glands" of livestock: thyroid gland, adrenal gland and pathological lymph gland on pig, cattle, sheep and other animals. People who ingest thyroid gland by mistake can cause hyperthyroidism, with symptoms of dizziness headache Excitement, mania, convulsions, fatigue, palpitations, rapid pulse, low appetite, nausea, sweating, fever, etc. Studies have shown that people who ingest 1.8-3 mg will be poisoned. People who ingest adrenal glands and diseased lymph glands may also suffer from a variety of diseases.

"Sharp wing" of birds: the sharp wing of chickens, ducks, geese and other birds, that is, the part of the long tail hair on the buttocks. The meat is fat and tender, and the scientific name is "bursa on the cavity". This part is the place where the poultry lymph glands are concentrated. Because the macrophages in the lymph glands have a strong ability to swallow bacteria and viruses, even carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, mold and virus can be swallowed, stored in the capsule, and cannot be decomposed. Therefore, the sharp wings of birds have become a "warehouse" for concealing unknowns. If people eat them, they are likely to be infected with diseases.

Sheep "hanging tendon": the hanging tendon of sheep, also known as hoof white bead, is a kind of viral tissue with pathological changes in the hoof of sheep. It is generally beaded, round, and must be removed when eating.

Fish "black clothing": most fish have a layer of black film coating on both sides of the abdomen, which is the most smelly and earthy part of the fish, and contains a large amount of histamine, lipoid and lysozyme. Eating histamine by mistake will cause nausea, vomiting abdominal pain Isosymptom; Lysozyme can inhibit appetite. (Guo Hongwei)

Original title: Three glandular livestock, sharp winged sheep, muscle fish, black coat, harmful organs, eating

This article was published on the 9th edition of Health Times on October 26, 2000

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