Daily Heart to Heart Talk: Positive Psychology -- Fighter in Psychology

14:47, August 1, 2016 Sina Health micro-blog
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Host: Hello, dear audience friends, welcome to watch this episode of Daily Heart to Heart Talk. As we all know, our program highly values the development of positive psychology in China and the promotion of personal integration, so today we have invited a heavyweight guest, who can be said to be the most persuasive authority in this field in China. Today we have invited Peng Kaiping, the dean of the Department of Psychology at Tsinghua University. Hello, Miss Peng!

Guest: Hello, Ye Zhuang.

Host: Mr. Peng is a teacher. I think of the teacher as a student. When I was a psychology student as an undergraduate, our teacher loved to tell us that the future development of this subject is particularly good. The sunrise industry will also have your share in the future education industry. Then we will train national defense students, Then there are all kinds of industries. It seems that at that time, we thought that the future development and trend of learning psychology were particularly broad and wide. It just happened that I was reading your masterpiece recently, namely, The Upsurge of Happiness. Guest: Thank you!

Host: Don't mention it. I have learned a lot. There is a chapter called "Crossing the Border".

Guest: Yes.

Moderator: Let me feel from this book again that it seems that some of the previous teacher's teaching to us, you mentioned in this book that this economist should learn psychology, political people should learn psychology, and children's parents should learn psychology.

Guest: Yes.

Host: In fact, I think we learn psychology so professionally, and then spread out so widely. Can you explain this to students again?

Guest: Psychology is a science about people. As long as there are people, there should be applications of psychological knowledge. Therefore, cross-border is the essence of psychology, and non cross-border is not psychology. To do research, you have to study a specific problem, but learning psychology must be a combination of knowledge and practice, must cross borders, and must be used in all aspects of life. You may not realize that after winning the European Cup, Portugal, the champion team, first thanks to the psychological coach, so everything needs psychological guidance and care, They all need psychological help. We are now facing the crisis of the South China Sea conflict, and our soldiers also need psychology. It has been found that since World War I, the U.S. military has conducted psychological training and psychological guidance for their soldiers, whether they are front-line soldiers, or backstage operators, whether they are decision-making generals or ordinary school level and lieutenant level officers, All of them should take psychology as their guidance. Our Air Force has proposed to use positive psychology to guide our military's psychological construction. Therefore, if you don't understand psychology, you can't do the work of modern people, you can't do modern work, you can't live in the modern era, so cross-border is necessary.

Host: So, Mr. Peng, in your opinion, the most important thing is that psychology needs to be applied, right?

Guest: Right.

Host: In the process of applying what we have learned, when we opened the beginning of learning psychology, we began to say that we learned a lot of things, such as experimental psychology, social psychology, cognitive psychology, personality psychology, etc., but no one has ever taught us how to use it. Suppose I am a psychologist, and I have learned a lot, Do I have any guidance when I use it?

Guest: I think there are three important practical principles that should be noticed. That is to say, knowledge is not just an abstract symbol, it is our physical and mental experience, so the first one is your experience. So when you look at something, you should have a feeling. When you look at it, you should have a feeling of laughter. When you look at it, you should have a feeling of crying. When you look at memory, you should have a feeling of crying, We must use our brains. When you look at emotions, we must take action. This is the first practical principle. I think that many of our teachers just don't pay much attention to these things. Knowledge is not an abstract memory symbol, it must be our own experience of life. So why do you like reading love novels? It makes you moved and experienced. So psychology has feelings. The problem is that we didn't experience it, This is my first suggestion, that is, its unity of knowledge and practice is reflected in the experience. Its unity of knowledge and practice must be studied with problems. Many times, we must study with our own problems in order to complete the exam, get credits, meet the expectations of parents or teachers, Therefore, this is also the second particularly important principle of the practice of experience, which must be done with problems.

The third one must be accompanied by evaluation. What does that mean? Is that you must turn it into an action

To evaluate whether it is right or not. Knowledge is a relative truth, it is not an absolute truth. We often regard knowledge as an absolute truth and absorb it like a sponge. It is absolutely not. You must evaluate and judge knowledge. Some knowledge has been proved not to be truth for a long time, and we are still learning, so we must have evaluation.

If there are these three principles in it, I think learning psychology is not boring, abstract or empty. It is our life, it is our feelings, it is our thinking, it is our action. Therefore, we Confucius said for thousands of years that thinking without learning is dangerous, right or wrong, if you have not learned it, you have not thought about it, It means that there is no learning, nothing, nothing, so it is really very important to combine knowledge with practice.

Compere: Your words have solved the problem that I have been puzzled for a long time. I met many psychologists who said they loved psychology. But now, you think they don't love psychology. They know psychology. They really know it. They know everything. They just slip away In practice, including the ability to ask questions, yes, there is none. It seems that there are some deficiencies.

Guest: Yes, I think your summary is particularly good. Love and understanding are totally different states and experiences. Understanding is just a message, just a symbol. Love is an emotion, and it is an action. So it must be more colorful and meaningful. In fact, it also involves a reflection of the psychological community after the cognitive revolution, In about 1999, a psychology professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, called Bertello, and a cognitive scientist at the University of California, Berkeley, called Lakoff, both proposed

In our previous cognitive psychology, knowledge was regarded as a representation, that is, what cognition is, a representation, just like an impression in the mind, a symbol. They said that in fact, it is not, it is the action of our body, it is an experience.

Host: Hey, this is relatively new.

Guest: What we don't know for a long time is that there is a new concept called embodied cognition, which has been proved by vivid experimental evidence.

Compere: What four words?

Guest: Embodied cognitio is our understanding, which is called embodied cognitio in English.

Host: Oh, what do you mean?

Guest: Embodied, that is to say, it must turn it into a physical and mental experience. That is, when you see anything, it is not an abstract symbol. When you remember it in the hippocampus system, it must be various nerve and chemical connections in the brain. We call it the synaptic connection of the divine channel. This synaptic connection is reflected in all aspects of the body, Your whole body has such synaptic connections, so it must be a response to knowledge. For example, if you read Zhu Ziqing's "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond" in the moonlight of the lotus pond in Tsinghua University, it is a completely different experience to read it at home, because your specific cognition is different. When you read "Yueyang Tower" in my hometown Yueyang Tower, facing the vast Dongting Lake, your experience is also different. You read it at home differently, Four years of college is totally different from four years of college textbooks at home, so understanding and love are really different. What you said is particularly accurate.

Host: Well, we said that I understand it, but I want to love it now, but some of us now have a sense of Teton. I really understand it, but I lack sensitivity to the ability to love in this respect. Maybe it is the age when I lived in my 20s that has eroded this sensitivity. If I want to regain this sensitivity now, I want to use the knowledge I have learned now, Do you have any suggestions to push it even a little bit in the direction of love?

Guest: I think it is necessary to excite yourself and people. I usually think there are two ways, one is positive, the other is negative. The positive way is to really make you very happy, very happy, and very excited. So I even think that learning in action is a good way. Don't sit down and watch, Don't sit down to read, you can move, so in ancient times, when talking about reading, you read while walking, which is a way of action. In fact, it is better to chat with someone when learning English than to recite English words at home.

Host: It's more effective.

Guest: In China, we used to have one-on-one, called one-on-one, one-on-one red, which means helping each other. The effect of learning together is definitely better than that of learning alone. So to excite yourself and make yourself act is the first step to let you love. First of all, there must be various neurochemical connections. There must be a physiological surge. If you feel nothing and you are very indifferent when sitting there, the effect will not be good.

Compere: You can't be stubborn.

Guest: That's right! In tens of millions of years of human evolution, people who act have been chosen. You, like those who stay, have long been eaten by other creatures one by one. So what our genetic genes have left behind are the genes for movement, action and running. So I often say that action is the essence of life. Some people say that life is movement, In fact, he doesn't mean that life lies in exercising. Life lies in doing things. Don't lie there, rest there, hide there, or stay there. There is absolutely no feeling of love. So by the way, just like when we fall in love, you daydream about how beautiful, how good, and how lovely that woman is. You haven't taken any action, You will never have this love, so you must contact people, chat with people, communicate with people, communicate with people, so psychology is like a beauty, you must contact it, chat with it, communicate with it, communicate with it, have emotional interaction with it, which is positive. But we found that negative emotions can also make you feel love. A question makes you particularly angry, so you want to know the answer. So someone said that your psychology is chicken soup for the soul. You think it's wrong, but you can't refute it. What should we do? Read books to find evidence, so people will also feel love under the irritation of negative emotions. Why? Hello? This is very good. I'll tell someone when I get back. Therefore, the patriotic enthusiasm of our Chinese people swelled especially high when imperialism insulted us.

Moderator: Right, right, right.

Guest: So you can see positive emotions, which can produce feelings of love, negative emotions, and also feelings of love. The main thing is to have feelings, so this sudden feeling is a big problem. That is to say, because of the hardships of life, as I told you, decades of depression in life, social environment, work, and all kinds of disappointments, It makes you lose indifference to life, and indifference is really a negative emotion that hurts people's hearts and wisdom.

Host: So there are two kinds of negative emotions. One is like indifference, which is harmful, and the other is like what I mentioned just now. Anger in certain situations can also be aroused, but no matter what, this person should not have no feelings.

Guest: That's right! That is, this person has nothing to remember, nothing to excite you, nothing to make you feel respected and attached, nothing to make you love, and this life will be passed

Host: It's hard to think about it.

Guest: Wasting one thing is right. Human beings are sentient creatures. Without feelings, they are not human beings.

Compere: Just now, you said in KaKaKaKaKa, please forgive me that I was distracted for five seconds, why am I distracted? Because I thought I had a friend who was very poor. I think we are recording this program now, but I must show him when I cut it out.

Guest: Good.

Host: He is a big house man. Alas, he has no special feelings. He has no feelings about anything, just what to eat every day. His mother asked him what to eat. He said, what to play, whatever to do, and stayed at home every day. It seems that playing games is not a special concern, and there is nothing he likes to do. I want to help him, but I have no way to start, So I think we should start from cultivating his emotional experience.

Guest: Yes, starting from emotional experience, starting from sports and starting from action.

Host: Is sports also useful?

Guest: Exercise is useful. Now we have a lot of positive psychological evidence to prove that the brain will secrete various positive neurochemical hormones, such as dopamine, endorphin, 5-hydroxytryptamine, and oxytocin, which can make us have such a positive and joyful experience, So exercise is actually very important. Exercise itself can produce a happy feeling.

Host: So there is a huge foundation for the crossover between psychology and other industries. It is that psychology can stimulate people's experience facing other industries, and this experience can greatly improve the performance and emotional state of this industry.

Guest: Yes, psychology actually plays a role in infiltrating and influencing various industries by stimulating people's positive nature and strong emotional desire, as well as our human intelligence and wisdom. Because all industries are done by people, where there are people, there are psychological activities, and where there are psychological activities, there are positive support methods, Of course, there are also negative ways to hurt.

Host: Teacher Peng talked a lot just now about emotional factors. There is such a question. My wife and I asked whether I loved her or not. I love her very much. This is an emotional factor. But some people said that there was something wrong with you? I can't think of it for a while. I think we are lack of the ability to ask the question you just asked. How can we cultivate the ability to ask questions?

Guest: This is a particularly important point that Einstein put forward. He said that human wisdom, in fact, we often think about this process. In fact, there is a particularly important ability here, which is to find problems. So science should find problems, and life should also find problems. This discovery problem is not negative, but you know what abnormalities There are some differences, so we call it "seeing the details" in Chinese. If you have such ability, you can be interested in learning, problems, and solutions to problems. Therefore, it is always good to learn with problems in order to love a knowledge. Sometimes, our problem is called curiosity for children, which is the same thing, That is to say, I just said how to love psychology. Starting with questions, children are interested in a knowledge. Starting with curiosity, I said the same thing, that is, there must be a big question mark. If there is no question mark for anything, it means that you are used to it. If you think it is heaven and earth, and you even think you know it, it must be absolute truth, There will be no progress, no new discoveries, and no interest in any subject. So this is what I mean by learning with problems.

Compere: You are so impressive. It's not easy to live now. Can you find that the problem itself has become a problem? It's really a bit difficult.

Guest: That's true.

Host: In addition to questions, there will also be evaluation. When I studied psychology at that time, I was not afraid of your jokes. The worst one was statistics, and the other was measurement. Neither of them was good. I was afraid when I heard about evaluation. When psychology needs to be combined with the reality of life, the requirements for evaluation are different from what we usually learn about psychology, right?

Guest: Different, totally different.

Compere: Then I'm relieved.

Guest: Right, right.

Host: Tell me about it?

Guest: This assessment is called appraisal in English. The assessment you mentioned is called assessment, which is different, Assessment is to evaluate and position you. There is no positioning for this assessment. No one makes value judgments, not to say that your assessment is good, but not good. This assessment is to see whether there is progress and gain, so you will be interested in doing anything if there are results, progress, gains, and changes, If you have been doing anything for a long time, and there is no result, or you can't feel any change, how can you be interested? This is what I mean when I say that I love a subject and am addicted to psychological love, so I must be aware of the changes and gains when I read something. This is what I mean by this assessment. So in the common saying, it may be that I have gains. This gain is a very important psychological process to generate feelings of love and interest.

Host: You see, there is development, progress and harvest, but I think there is another problem. Many people are clearly developing, making progress and harvest, but they are very anxious. You know, he is developing, yes, he is not aware of his own development, and he always feels that he is, oh, not good, not so good, not so much progress, What advice do you have for these people?

Guest: This is a good question. In fact, this person's behavior can be divided into two types, one is called temperament, the other is called state. The temperament is his natural character, so some people are like this.

Moderator: Gene decides.

Guest, It forms a stable personal characteristic, which you can see, so we call it a change of idiosyncrasy. To some extent, the change of idiosyncrasy is difficult to change, because it is a personal characteristic, but it is not completely impossible to change, that is, we feel that we need to change a person's idiosyncrasy, which can also be from the environment and the person, There are also several ways to change the habit. It is important to change the environment. People are the animals of the environment. For example, you are an anxious person. When you go to a relaxed environment, you go to a place where everyone is full of laughter and laughter, and no one else is anxious. Yes, he or he stays with Ye Zhuang, maybe this anxiety will disappear in a short time.

Compere: Maybe more anxious, maybe also.

Guest: It is possible, but I mean that this kind of external and enthusiastic atmosphere of friends can relax him. So for people with such a tendency, you can choose a positive environment, a relaxed environment, and a non anxious environment. If you feel that you are really anxious, then go to nature, Go to other places to travel, or find a good book to read, or take Teacher Peng's new book "The Upsurge of Happiness" to read.

Host: That's reasonable.

Guest: You will forget it at once, so it is a particularly important skill to choose the environment. But what kind of environment people choose is different from what kind of environment people choose. It depends on the convenience, conditions, and many times. The second way to control and change our own idiosyncratic anxiety is to learn some basic skills. Some skills can calm us down. In fact, they are very useful. We have two nervous systems, one is the sympathetic nervous system, the other is the sympathetic nervous system, When the parasympathetic nervous system is active, it is easy to be quiet. How to make the parasympathetic nervous system active, such as exhaling, I found that it can make you quiet. How to exhale, and how to do abdominal breathing instead of the current way.

Compere: You have one.

Guest: Abdominal breathing is very simple. You just press your hand on your belly button, and then puff your belly up when you breathe in. Now when we breathe out, we push your belly out. Then you can turn it upside down, so that your parasympathetic nerve activity can calm you down, and then touch your heart. It's useless to pat your belly. It's still useful to pat your chest, And then look at nature, look at green, look at blue, listen to music, this person can let us temporarily relieve our tension and anxiety, so these are some basic skills. Psychology has a lot of such knowledge, teach you these skills, but we didn't learn with problems before, Or I don't know where to read and learn such knowledge. Many of us have taken a book of psychology to analyze Freud's Dream, and I'm sure we can't understand it.

Host: Ouch, that

Guest: Or you come to our Cognitive Psychology, which is a neural channel, right

Compere: Most of them.

Guest: Or you can see that our former materialistic General Psychology comes up with the knowledge of various nervous systems, which is part of anatomy. It comes up with anatomy, so it has absolutely no effect. Because it is not the knowledge you need, but there are many new psychology books, textbooks and textbooks.

Moderator: Application oriented.

Guest: Application oriented is absolutely helpful to everyone. This is the second skill I talked about. You can cultivate some skills that let you relax. The third thing I think is that habits can also form habits, that is, habits can have a corrective effect on a trait and a nature of our people. Maybe you don't know that Teacher Peng is a very introverted person, and I am very shy.

Compere: I can't see it.

Guest: I can't see it. You are just like me. But because I am a teacher of the people, I have to deal with everyone? This is to form a habit, that is, force yourself to constantly exercise yourself to do what you think you should do. Start with small things, gradually accumulate, and finally form a habit of life. This habit can have a corrective, shaping, and sublimating effect on your nature. So choose the environment, cultivate skills, and then form a habit, I think they are the three most commonly used methods. There is more. You can learn more from studying psychology. I just want to briefly introduce my three most effective methods.

Host: I just heard a very interesting thing, that is, the choice of environment.

Guest: Yes.

Host: Many people also know that I am in a bad mood. I go out for a walk, find a place to travel, look at the nature, and run. But many people assume that they have no conditions to change their original family, new jobs, or a large external environment, Can we reduce our anxiety level by improving our internal environment?

Guest: Of course, all environmental experiences are the products of psychological activities. We must realize that the universe can be formed in the mind, because our human environment is not a physical environment, it is a psychological environment. To some extent, this psychological environment is not necessarily identical to the physical environment, You can't change the physical environment. You can change the psychological environment. Whether a cup is half empty or half full is a kind of psychological evaluation. Therefore, the biggest role of psychology is to generate psychological value for any physical or physiological environment. This value is relative, subjective, and personal, so it can be changed.

Host: Oh, Teacher Peng said so much, but in fact, thousands of words come together into one sentence. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, and you know so much knowledge. Even if you watch our program, it is still knowledge. Although our program explains that knowledge itself should be transformed into practice, it still cannot replace your practice, but anyway, The premise of practice is to know more. I recommend the book just published by Teacher Peng. I believe that it will be of great benefit to everyone after you read it. Is the surging flow of happiness right?

Guest: Yes, this is my wish for all of you. I hope that our Chinese audience and readers of my book can understand the essence of true psychology from this book, which is that positive life is our nature.

Host: This book is not thin and has some content. One issue of daily heart to heart talk is endless. We have several issues of daily heart to heart talk later. Teacher Peng will continue to be a guest. Let's talk about this book together at that time. Speaking of this, I have to tell you something. Don't worry, it's good news. Teacher Peng has been generous enough to give us dozens of books, which are still signed versions. Start immediately, open WeChat to search "Daily Talk", follow the official public account on WeChat of our "Daily Talk", There is a channel for how to extract our teacher Peng's autographed version of "The Surge of Happiness". There will be several more programs to invite Mr. Peng. Then we will continue to talk. Thank you for watching our Daily Heart to Heart Talk. Thank you, Miss Peng!

Guest: Thank you Ye Zhuang and everyone.

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