Can bananas cure premature ejaculation

06:20, August 31, 2016 Life Times micro-blog
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Although the content of magnesium in the body is much less than calcium and other nutrients, less does not mean less effect. For men, magnesium contributes a lot. Professor Ma Xiaonian, from the Department of Sexual Medicine of Yuquan Hospital, Tsinghua University, told the Life Times that magnesium deficiency is very common among Westerners, especially Americans, which leads to Premature ejaculation One of the reasons.

 Image source: Dongfang IC Image source: Dongfang IC

Magnesium is the "health care element" for men. hypertension , hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and other diseases have become a threat to men's health, even affecting many young people. Fortunately, nature has prepared a powerful shield for men, which is magnesium. A survey in the United States shows that drinking water with high magnesium content will significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality of male hypertension.

Magnesium is also an important neurotransmitter, which can relax muscles; Supplemented together with calcium containing foods, it can promote the absorption of calcium. In addition, magnesium has an outstanding "contribution", which is to improve the vitality of sperm and enhance male fertility. Doctors found that the lack of trace element magnesium is one of the reasons why semen does not liquefy.

The reporter learned that there are many foods rich in magnesium, among which laver has the highest magnesium content, 460 mg magnesium per 100 grams of laver, which is known as "the treasure house of magnesium". Millet, corn, buckwheat flour, sorghum flour, oats, potatoes, beans, peanuts, sesame, seafood and bananas are also foods with more magnesium. American experts suggest that men can have a bowl of milk oatmeal porridge and a banana at breakfast.

Bananas, in particular, are also rich in zinc. Zinc is in direct proportion to the quality and density of semen. Zinc deficiency will also affect the metabolism and vitality of sperm, thus "delaying" the development of testes.

Ma Xiaonian also pointed out that premature ejaculation may also be inherited. "91% of the direct relatives of men who have lifelong premature ejaculation may also have lifelong premature ejaculation. This should be paid attention to by men and their families."

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