Get up in the morning and defecate with one movement

12:51, January 15, 2017 Dayang - Guangzhou Daily
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According to the Family Doctor, many people are deeply affected by constipation worry. At this time, you can spend a few minutes every day in the morning exercise to turn your waist, which can play a role in improving constipation.

 Get up in the morning and defecate with one movement Get up in the morning and defecate with one movement

The feet are slightly wider than the shoulders, the knees are slightly bent, the upper body is kept upright, the hands are akimbo, look ahead, the shoulders are relaxed, breathing naturally, and then start "turning the waist". When doing this, pay attention to the rotation of the lower abdomen, take the navel as the axis, and rotate clockwise and counterclockwise. The movement should be gentle and consistent when turning the waist.

Since the abdomen corresponds to the small intestine, large intestine and other organs, turning the waist can promote the peristalsis of the intestine, help digestion and absorption, and thus improve constipation. In addition, "the waist is the home of the kidney", so turning the waist can also play a role in tonifying the kidney.

But when you exercise, you should pay attention to that the number of exercises should not be too much at the beginning of the exercise. Every morning, you can turn 30 or 50 circles in the opposite direction. Then slowly increase the number of turns according to your physical condition. The number of turns can be increased to 200~300, and the time is about 15 minutes.

(Ma Suping, He Shizhen)

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