Having five diseases is actually a good thing

05:11, December 30, 2016 Xinhua
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 Having five diseases is actually a good thing Having five diseases is actually a good thing

Guide: In the Shaolin Temple medical system, it is believed that sometimes the pores and orifices in the human body are the result of eliminating toxins in the state of disease, and fighting against the disease itself. It is unnecessary to seek medical treatment immediately without having symptoms. Early intervention of medicine will make our immune mechanism sleep for a long time, and rely too much on external health, We will gradually become the seamed eggs attacked by diseases.

   Five diseases are good

   Cough. It is one of the most common symptoms in the respiratory system and a protective measure for the human body, which is beneficial to the body. When the respiratory tract mucosa is stimulated by foreign bodies, inflammation, secretions or allergic factors, it reflexively causes coughing, which helps to eliminate foreign bodies or secretions that invade the respiratory tract from the outside and eliminate respiratory tract irritants. If you use antitussive drugs as soon as you cough, the dirt that aggravates the inflammation will stay in the respiratory tract, which is not conducive to the elimination of inflammation.

When coughing occurs, you should supplement a large amount of water while keeping warm, and avoid spicy food such as pepper and onion irritating the respiratory tract. If frequent cough is accompanied have a fever In case of chest pain, weight loss and other symptoms, seek medical advice immediately.

   vomit. It is also a defensive reflex of the body to expel harmful substances to reduce absorption. If drugs are used to stop vomiting at this time, harmful substances will remain in the body and endanger health. In case of simple vomiting, appropriate amount of water should be added to avoid water and electrolyte disorders. If it is accompanied by gastrointestinal discomfort, you should massage the stomach and abdomen while replenishing water. Don't rush to eat after vomiting. You can exercise a little and let your body stretch before eating. If vomiting occurs repeatedly or accompanied by abdominal pain In case of fever and other symptoms, seek medical advice immediately.

     diarrhea Especially when the excrement has foul smell, it is often because the body is discharging toxins from food or other aspects. When diarrhea comes, never go into the "treatment" misunderstanding, such as: use antidiarrheal when there is diarrhea; Think that diarrhea is inflammation, and take anti-inflammatory drugs; Take Qutong tablet to relieve diarrhea pain; Take medicine when serious, and stop taking medicine when stopping; Drink more water during diarrhea to supplement the lost water; Eat less in case of diarrhea, and eat more after diarrhea. When encountering diarrhea, we should take advantage of the situation, such as drinking a cup of hot water to help the intestinal tract eliminate toxins as soon as possible. If there is severe diarrhea, frequent defecation, small amount of defecation, spasmodic pain in the anus, or bloody excreta, or accompanied by abdominal pain, fever, vomiting and other symptoms, you should seek medical advice immediately.

   nose bleeding. We can regard nosebleed as a way for the body to "eliminate fire" by itself. When people drink less water, eat too much spicy food, and the environment is dry and the body is "on fire", the body often chooses the weak nasal mucosa to "get rid of fire". So don't worry about nosebleed. It will stop automatically in a short time.

However, if after a period of time there is still more than nosebleed, it should be checked as soon as possible. This is, you can lean forward, follow its self flow, gently absorb the nosebleed with a tissue. When the amount is large, you can squeeze the soft part of the nasal wing for a few minutes, or lift the arm on the opposite side of the bleeding nostril to help stop the bleeding. If the nose bleeds a lot, you should seek medical advice immediately. This is often caused by vascular sclerosis, high blood pressure and other diseases in the body.

   have a fever. Once the body temperature exceeds 37 degrees Celsius, it belongs to fever. Medical research has confirmed that the combat ability of immune cells will increase with the increase of body temperature, and at the same time, the high body temperature will also reduce the concentration of iron ions in the blood, resulting in insufficient supply of trace iron ions needed for the growth of pathogens, thus inhibiting the development of pathogens. These are the main forces of disease resistance, and drugs are only foreign aid. Therefore, if you take antipyretic drugs at the beginning of a fever, it may aggravate the disease. When the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees Celsius, and the spirit and appetite are not affected, you can put ice on your forehead to relieve discomfort, drink more water, supplement vitamins and minerals in an appropriate amount, and eat some nutritious and light food. If the temperature is higher than 38.5 ℃, or the fever continues to be low, or accompanied by rash and severe headache In case of arthralgia and spasm, seek medical advice immediately.

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