Discovering Cancer from Stool Habits

05:30, December 22, 2016 Xinhua
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Mucus stool, bloody stool, black stool, shapeless stool, thin stool note, change of stool habits, change of stool frequency, often diarrhea Or difficulty in defecation... Don't think it's just a simple small problem in your stomach. It's also a disease rectal cancer Precursors of.

Due to the increasingly westernized lifestyle, the incidence of colorectal cancer in China is increasing at a rate of 4% - 5% every year. At present, the incidence of colorectal cancer in China cancer The incidence ranked third. In economically developed cities, the incidence of colorectal cancer in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and other cities is increasing at an alarming rate, and 90% of the patients found are middle and late stage patients, aged about 45 years old. Experts say that although the incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing, if it can be found early, it can still be cured. According to statistics, the 5-year survival rate of colorectal carcinoma in situ (very early stage) is 94.1%, and that of local canceration is 84.6%. If liver metastasis occurs, the 5-year survival rate drops to 5.7%. Through digital rectal examination and electronic enteroscopy, colorectal cancer can be basically diagnosed, with an accuracy rate of more than 80%. Residents can also pay a little attention to their defecation habits in daily life, and can also timely prevent and treat rectal cancer.

   Hematochezia Rectal cancer should be diagnosed

In daily life, hemorrhoids and rectal cancer may have some same or similar symptoms (such as bloody stool), which makes some patients relax their vigilance. Experts remind that the condition of bloody stool and hemorrhoids in colorectal cancer is slightly different.

Hemorrhoids may occur in people of any age, while rectal cancer patients are mostly middle-aged or elderly. Hemorrhoid patients have blood in their stools, which is because they scrape the affected part during defecation. Most of the blood drips down after defecation, so it does not mix with feces, and there is no mucus. The stool of rectal cancer patients is often mixed with blood, mucus and pus, and the habit of stool will change significantly.

   long-term constipation , one of the predisposing factors of colorectal cancer

Experts said that long-term constipation could lead to higher and higher concentrations of carcinogens in stool. Long term exposure of intestinal wall to these carcinogens may be a predisposing factor for colorectal cancer. At the same time, constipation is also one of the manifestations of colorectal cancer. Because the descending colon on the left is narrow, if the tumor is on this side, it will often cause obstruction and constipation. Generally, experienced doctors can basically determine the location of colorectal cancer through consultation.

   Change of bowel habits is also a precursor of rectal cancer

Experts said that changes in bowel habits should not be taken lightly, which may be a precursor to rectal cancer. The defecation changes include many aspects, such as the normal defecation is relatively dry, but these days it suddenly becomes thin, or from thin to dry; Others have changed their defecation frequency from once a day to two or three times, or vice versa. In a word, if there is abdominal discomfort, pain, local mass, sense of urgency, stool character and shape change (from dry to thin, with mucus and blood, or stool does not form, become thin and flat), that is, defecation is not the same as usual, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible for specialized examination.

   Screening can eliminate precancerous lesions and reduce the incidence of cancer

A hospital once performed enteroscopy on more than 200 high-risk groups of colorectal cancer who came to see a doctor, and found 13 cases with intestinal polyps and benign tumors, and 4 cases with early cancer. Screening can eliminate precancerous lesions and reduce the incidence of cancer. Experts' advice: for the general population without a family history of colorectal cancer, if the economic conditions permit, the first colonoscopy should be performed at the age of 50. If there is no abnormality, the examination should be performed every 3-5 years in the future; If adenomatous polyps are found, they should be removed as soon as possible, and colonoscopy should be performed once a year after surgery. If conditions do not permit, fecal occult blood test can be carried out, and enteroscopy can be carried out for those who are positive. If the parents, siblings and other direct relatives have colon cancer patients, they should receive colonoscopy in due time; If an indirect relative under the age of 50 finds colon cancer, he or she should go to the hospital and receive colonoscopy in time.

   Prevention of rectal cancer requires a scientific attitude

In addition to regular colonoscopy screening, experts also stressed that the diet must be healthy, and it is forbidden to eat spiced food, less pickled food, less glutinous rice food, less instant noodles and other industrial fried and puffed food; Develop good living habits and do not smoke or drink too much; Pay close attention to the changes of stool properties and habits: when there are symptoms such as mucous stool, bloody stool, black stool, irregular stool, thin stool note, changes in stool habits, stool frequency, frequent diarrhea or difficulty in defecation, you must go to the hospital for formal inspection. (Leaf cyanine)

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