What is the first sign of cancer

05:31, December 22, 2016 Life Times micro-blog
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 What is the first sign of cancer What is the first sign of cancer

discover as early as possible cancer Symptoms are the key to improving the survival rate of cancer patients. The "Top Ten Family Therapies" website in the United States recently published an article summarizing the most neglected cancer symptoms according to the relevant information of the "Cancer Website" and the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology in the United States.

  1。 Loss of weight for unknown reasons. Rapid weight loss in a short time is often the first sign of cancer. Suddenly lose weight mammary cancer and lung cancer Patients are the most common, and others include liver cancer and bowel cancer. If you do not exercise or lose weight, but your weight is inexplicably reduced by 10%, you should seek medical advice in time.

  2。 frequently have a fever Or infection. Infection in the body can cause fever, and persistent fever of unknown cause may be Lymphocarcinoma Isocancer STD Symptoms of symptoms. leukemia It may also lead to repeated infection, fatigue, pain and others influenza Like symptoms.

  3。 Weak body and fatigue. A variety of cancers can cause this symptom. If you have enough sleep and still feel weak and tired, you should see a doctor.

  4。 Breathing or shortness of breath. Severe and obvious shortness of breath, chest pain or hemoptysis may be the symptoms of lung cancer.

  5。 Chronic cough And chest pain. Cough like or bronchitis The symptoms may be leukemia and lung cancer. Chest pain may also extend to the shoulders and arms. Cough and hoarseness for more than 6 weeks should be noted Laryngeal carcinoma , thyroid cancer esophageal cancer Or lung cancer.

  6。 abdominal distention abdominal pain Unexplained abdominal distension should be taken into consideration oophoroma Severe pelvic pain may also be fibroma oophoritic cyst And other common symptoms of reproductive system diseases. In addition, unexplained stomach pain or abdominal distension after meals may be gastric cancer Signs.

  7。 Chronic heartburn. Long term heartburn (heartburn) should be checked whether it is caused by excessive gastric acid, and then the possibility of esophageal cancer and liver cancer should be checked.

  8。 Intestinal problems. Patients with intestinal cancer have a high number of stools and feel unclean. pancreatic cancer Its early symptoms are more stool, white and strange smell.

  9。 Dysphagia. It is mostly related to esophageal cancer and laryngeal cancer, and dysphagia is sometimes one of the early symptoms of lung cancer.

  10。 jaundice A sudden yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes is mainly considered to be a liver or gallbladder disease, but it may also be a symptom of pancreatic cancer, cholangiocarcinoma and liver cancer.

  11。 Abnormal mass. In case of abnormal mass in breast, testis, groin, neck, abdomen, armpit or other parts, seek medical advice in time to check cancer risk.

  12。 New skin spots or mole Change. New spots appear on the skin, black nevus changes, skin sores can not be cured for a long time, scab but easy to bleed, you should be careful Skin cancer

  13。 Nail changes. If there are brown or black stripes or spots under the nails, it should be considered as skin cancer. If the fingertip suddenly becomes larger and the nail bends, it may be a symptom of lung cancer. White fingernails are sometimes a sign of liver cancer.

  14。 Pain in pelvic cavity or lower abdomen. Such pain with pelvic heaviness may be a symptom of ovarian cancer. Infertile women, women with family history of ovarian cancer, breast cancer or colon cancer, are diagnosed with breast cancer, colon cancer rectal cancer Or women with uterine cancer are at greater risk of developing ovarian cancer.

  15。 Long term pain of unknown cause. If inexplicable pain persists for more than 4 weeks, it should be noted that cancer of bone Or testicular cancer.

  16。 Abnormal bleeding. Blood in urine may be urinary tract infection , or it may be Bladder cancer or renal carcinoma symptom. Hematochezia It may be hemorrhoids or bowel cancer. Abnormal vaginal bleeding between female menstrual cycles may be Endometrial carcinoma symptom. Hemoemesis and hemoptysis should be related to gastric cancer, esophageal cancer or lung cancer. Excessive congestion or bleeding may be more than a symptom of leukemia.

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