A disease is more terrible than cancer

05:30, December 22, 2016 Dayang - Guangzhou Daily
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 1 disease ratio<a href=' http://health.sina.com.cn/disease/ku/01048/ 'target='_blank '>Cancer</a>is also scary (photo source: Visual China) One disease is more terrible than cancer (photo source: Visual China)

In cities, 4 out of every 10 deaths from the disease

Guangzhou Daily (Reporter Huang Rongfang) Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are the first killer of human health. In cities, 4 out of every 10 deaths are caused by cardiovascular diseases, which is higher than the death rate of tumors. How to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases from the source? How to avoid aggravation of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases?

   For every 100 adults

25.5 patients hypertension

Professor Liu Shiming, Dean of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Director of Guangzhou Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, and Chief Physician, once introduced in a lecture that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become the first killer of human health. In addition to cities, 44% of deaths are caused by cardiovascular diseases in rural areas. The death rate of cardiovascular disease in rural areas has risen sharply in recent years, and now it has exceeded that in urban areas.

He said that according to the Chinese cardiovascular disease report released in August 2015, the prevalence of hypertension among Chinese adults reached 25.5% in 2014, which means that 25.5 per 100 people over the age of 18 have hypertension. In 1958, the prevalence of hypertension in the country was only 5%. There are 290 million cardiovascular patients in China, of which 270 million are hypertensive patients.

"Hypertension is the first line of defense in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases." Liu Shiming introduced that when blood pressure drops, cerebrovascular diseases apoplexy It can be reduced by about 45%, coronary heart disease The reduction of myocardial infarction by 20% and the control of blood pressure are very effective in preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the future.

   Don't think there are no symptoms

Hypertension needs no treatment

Professor Xiong Longgen, director and chief physician of the Department of Cardiology of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University and Guangzhou Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, introduced the symptoms of hypertension and coronary heart disease angina pectoris There are obvious symptoms of chest tightness and colic. Hypertension is more common dizzy headache , palpitations, back neck pain, and some patients will have insomnia , forgetfulness, etc. In fact, many patients do not feel that they have high blood pressure until they are found by physical examination or even have a stroke. "So, don't think that no feeling, no discomfort, no hypertension".

"Although 140/90mm Hg or above is hypertension (which is also the blood pressure control goal of ordinary hypertensive patients), in fact, the ideal blood pressure of normal people is below 120/80mm Hg." Xiong Longgen said that the systolic blood pressure goal of hypertensive patients over 65 years old can be widened to 150mm Hg. "But for patients with kidney disease and some endocrine diseases, the control goal is more strict than that of general patients".

Xiong Longgen suggested that hypertension patients should monitor their blood pressure at home, which is an important part of hypertension treatment.

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