Four Diseases Should Be Careful of Bad Breath

03:21, October 25, 2016 China News Network
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 Four Diseases Should Be Careful of Bad Breath Four Diseases Should Be Careful of Bad Breath

The 46 year old Zhihao suffered from bad breath for a long time, which also affected his interpersonal relationship. Although I tried many folk remedies, I still failed to pay for Chinese medicine. Later, after being persuaded by his family, he reluctantly went to the dental clinic for examination. It turned out that Zhihao was a 25 year old smoker, plus he had Periodontal disease But he refused to see a doctor, which led to halitosis. Fortunately, after treatment, it has improved a lot. However, because he was not clear about the cause of halitosis, he could suffer a lot.

  Four diseases that are easy to cause bad breath

In the past, people always thought they would have bad breath because they were not diligent enough to brush their teeth. With the growing development of medicine, people began to understand that there are many reasons for bad breath. Huang Peiqi, the attending physician of the Periodontal Disease Department of Taipei Wanfang Hospital, said that although 80% of bad breath is caused by oral problems, such as tooth decay and tongue coating; However, 15-20% are still due to poor physical conditions, such as diabetes Suffering from the bad apple flavor or ketone flavor; long-term constipation People are also prone to halitosis. Therefore, instead of seeking folk remedies or short-term solutions through mouthwash and breath fragrance, it is better to find out the cause of bad breath first, so as not to waste time and see no effect.

Because of the stomach cirrhosis Metabolism, hormone secretion and other problems may also lead to halitosis. How can we thoroughly cure it? Lin Cangyi, the dental attending physician of Yangming District of Taipei Municipal Union Hospital, and Zheng Yafen, the nutritionist of Tai'an Hospital, jointly proposed solutions to several causes of halitosis.

   Detonating halitosis 1: oral disease

Lin Cangyi said that if halitosis occurs, the first step is to go to the dentist's clinic to check whether it is caused by oral diseases. If it is confirmed that it is not, the doctor will suggest that it be transferred to other departments for more in-depth etiological examination.

Generally speaking, the oral problems that can cause halitosis are mostly tooth decay, periodontal disease, incomplete oral cleaning, xerostomia, and multiple oral ulcers. In particular, xerostomia mostly occurs in the elderly, because the secretion of saliva is less, so that the bacteria in the mouth are not easy to be washed by saliva to form bad breath. In addition, female menopause is affected by hormonal changes, which can also cause xerostomia. Zheng Yafen, a nutritionist at Tai'an Hospital, said that if this happens, women are advised to take more soy products to increase isoflavones in the body and help reduce halitosis caused by hormone deficiency. However, she cautioned, "Do not take too much fried soy products, fried soy products, or extracted isoflavone extract tablets."

In addition, multiple ulcers in the mouth are also easy to form halitosis. Lin Cangyi said that oral ulcer is mostly caused by individual constitution, but it may also be caused by tumor or other causes. If it is simply caused by constitution mouth ulcer As long as the ointment prescribed by the doctor is applied on time until the wound is healed, it can be improved.

From the perspective of nutrition, Zheng Yafen pointed out that oral ulcers would be caused, mostly due to the lack of vitamin B group. Vitamin B group is water-soluble, and the body can metabolize quickly. She suggested taking more than 5 servings of vegetables and fruits every day to increase the content of vitamin B group in the body, so as to reduce the chance of oral ulcer.

   Detonating halitosis 2: trachea disease

Tracheal problems that are prone to bad breath include: chronic bronchitis , branch Tracheal tumor Zheng Yafen said that in addition to treatment, he should take more antioxidant foods rich in vitamin C, E and beta carotene, such as carrots, citrus fruits, wheat germ, etc., to improve symptoms.

  Detonating halitosis 3: gastrointestinal diseases

If you want to improve halitosis, gastrointestinal diseases can not be ignored. Common conditions include nausea esophagitis, helicobacter pylori infection, flatulence, etc. Take the patient with regurgitant esophagitis as an example. Because the reflux of stomach acid causes unpleasant sour taste in the mouth, Zheng Yafen believes that, in addition to seeking treatment, patients should change their eating habits to a small number of meals, reduce sweet food and spicy and irritant food, and more importantly, avoid drinking soup during meals.

As for Helicobacter pylori infection, it is mainly due to abnormal diet or mutual infection. In addition to symptomatic treatment and adjusting work and rest, it is better to develop the habit of using male chopsticks and female keys to reduce the chance of mutual infection.

In addition, flatulence can also lead to burping. When burping, bad gas in the intestines and stomach will be transmitted to the mouth, causing bad breath. People who are prone to flatulence should avoid eating cauliflower, beans, sweet potatoes and other foods that are prone to produce gas on important occasions.

  Detonating halitosis 4: metabolic diseases

Metabolic diseases are also often one of the culprits that make halitosis difficult to eliminate, and diabetes is the most common one. Because the sugar content in the blood of diabetic patients is much higher than that of ordinary people, it is relatively easy to cause bacteria breeding, and then complicated with oral cavity problems such as tooth decay and periodontal disease, resulting in bad breath. Moreover, the patient's blood sugar is too high, which will produce unpleasant smells such as rotten apple flavor or ketone flavor during metabolism. If you want to improve your breath, you must start from the source and control your blood sugar to effectively improve these conditions.

If halitosis is not caused by oral problems, go to other departments for detailed examination as soon as possible

Although there are many products on the market touting keeping breath fresh for a long time, they are only emergency tools to deal with halitosis in a short time. The most important thing is to find out the cause and treat it, so as to really improve it. In addition, Lin Cangyi also suggested that "you can take your toothbrush with you, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth at any time when you finish eating to keep your mouth clean." If it is determined that halitosis is not caused by oral problems, you should go to other clinics as soon as possible for further examination and understand your physical condition, which is the fundamental way to stop halitosis. (Thank Zheng Yafen, nutritionist of Tai'an Hospital, for reviewing.)

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