Look at cancer signs from a man's right hand

03:55, September 19, 2016 Family Doctor Online
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 Look at cancer signs from a man's right hand Look at cancer signs from a man's right hand

   prostatic cancer It is a kind of male cancer The research said that the length of the ring finger of the right hand was actually related to prostate cancer. See the following introduction for details, The researchers found that if the ring finger of the right hand is significantly longer than the index finger, then the risk of prostate cancer is higher. However, the ring finger is slightly longer or equivalent than the index finger, indicating a lower risk of prostate cancer.

In the study, blood tests showed that men with longer ring fingers in their right hands had higher levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA). When the current adenocarcinoma occurs, the patient's PSA level will rise. The reason why researchers choose the right hand of the participants is that the length difference between the index finger and ring finger of the right hand is usually larger than that of the left hand, which is related to the fact that the fetus is more sensitive to hormone changes.

In numerous studies on finger length and male health, most of the conclusions are that ring finger length has many benefits, for example, heart disease Small danger, good academic performance, strong fertility, etc. Last year, a study by the University of Southampton found that young men with long ring fingers ran faster. The key point of these studies is that the testosterone level exposed during the fetal period is related.

   What kind of people are more likely to suffer from prostate cancer?

It is reported that after studying the genes of 4000 domestic prostate cancer patients and healthy people, it was verified that three prostate cancer susceptibility gene loci unique to the Chinese population were found. People with these loci have a higher risk of prostate cancer than ordinary people. If three loci exist at the same time, the risk of prostate cancer is 2.26 times higher than that of normal people.

   The susceptibility to cancer varies from person to person

The so-called gene locus is the specific position of genes on human chromosomes. The susceptibility gene loci found by the researchers this time have a "cumulative effect", that is, the more risk loci there are, the higher the risk of prostate cancer. Data shows that only one of the loci increases the risk by 42%. If three loci exist at the same time, the risk of individuals suffering from prostate cancer in the former list is 2.26 times higher than that of normal people.

Some people are easy to get cancer, while others are not. The people who are susceptible to cancer are the people who are susceptible to cancer. For example, men are usually advised to start screening for prostate cancer at the age of 50, while men with a family history of prostate cancer are advised to start screening at the age of 40, which indicates that the risk of cancer is really appropriate for people; In addition, studies have shown that mutations in related genes will lead to an increased risk of prostate cancer. The more gene changes, the greater the likelihood of cancer. Professor Zhang said that the question of this study is, what genes make people prone to prostate cancer?

99.9% of the human genome is the same, and there is only a tiny (0.1%) difference in DNA sequence composition. It is this 0.1% difference that determines everyone's height, weight, appearance, skin color and other physiological characteristics, as well as whether they are prone to cancer, which drug sensitivity and other characteristics.

This difference, expressed in technical terms as "single nucleotide polymorphism" (SNP), affects whether people will suffer from certain diseases and the time of onset. Theoretically, as long as the exposure time in the carcinogenic environment is long enough, everyone has the possibility of eventually suffering from cancer, but the susceptible population is more sensitive to the environmental factors that cause cancer, making them more likely to suffer from cancer in a short time.

   External factors are inducements and lifestyle is key

Studies have shown that if one of the direct male relatives, such as father or brother, has prostate cancer, the probability of other men in the family suffering from prostate cancer is twice as high as that of ordinary people; If there are two people, the probability is three times higher. This indicates that the occurrence of prostate cancer is related to genes.

Frequent consumption of high-fat milk promotes the occurrence of prostate cancer. Although high-fat milk tastes better and more fragrant, from a health perspective, low-fat or skim milk should be promoted. He said that men who often eat high-fat foods such as high-fat milk and meat are prone to prostate cancer. According to the research results of 32 countries, the mortality rate of prostate cancer is related to fat intake, while the prevalence rate of people who eat a diet rich in vegetables and fruits is low.

High androgen level is also one of the possible causes of prostate cancer, and high androgen level is one of the possible reasons for the high incidence of prostate cancer in African Americans. At the same time, some surveys have shown that prostate cancer is more common in divorced and widowed men, so it is very important to maintain normal levels of hormones in the body to prevent this cancer.

Age is the most important risk factor for prostate cancer. After the age of 45, the incidence rate of men will rise sharply. After that, the incidence rate will double every 10 years. The risk of prostate cancer for men aged 50 to 59 years is 10%, while that for men aged 80 to 89 years is 70%.

For men over 40 years old, Zhang Zhengdong put forward the following prevention suggestions: first, regular inspection, do not ignore any possible lesions; Second, strengthen physical exercise, maintain a healthy attitude and good hormone levels in the body; Third, adhere to good living habits, do not smoke, do not drink; Fourth, eating more green leafy vegetables, fruits and bean products can play a protective role.

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