8 Longevity Habits Men Really Need

06:30, July 27, 2016 Xinhua
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Many male friends don't pay attention to health care at ordinary times. Once they get sick, they don't care. In the long run, it will cause great harm to health. Therefore, modern male health care should obey the following advice given by doctors in daily life.

   Chest pain must be checked

After doing physical work or exercise, some men will have chest pain. Generally, chest pain will stop after a short rest, but you should be alert. This may be heart disease It is better to go to the hospital for health consultation and examination.

   Focus on hidden testicular cancer

Men between 20 and 40 years old are prone to tumors, and testicular cancer is one of them. If found in time, the cure rate of the disease will reach 85%. Men should often check their sexual organs at ordinary times, preferably after a warm bath. If there is a bulge on the skin, they should go to the hospital immediately for inspection.

   Don't go to the hospital when you are seriously ill

Many men dislike the trouble of seeing a doctor. According to statistics, 80% of the seriously ill patients admit that they have not seen a doctor for a long time, so that a minor illness is mistaken for a serious illness, which delays the best time for treatment. Annual physical examination is the best way to keep healthy.

   Try to eat less greasy and fried food

Men's tastes are generally heavy, and they like greasy and fried food, which easily increases the risk of vascular disease. Therefore, you should eat more light food, eat more vegetable oil and less animal oil, eat more garlic and fish at ordinary times, and drink some red wine in proper amount, which can reduce the cholesterol content.

   No smoking is best

Smoking will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease lung cancer And respiratory diseases. If you want to be healthy, you'd better quit smoking. If you can't stop for a while, you should eat more carrots, sweet peppers, onions, garlic, spinach and fruits, and drink tea frequently

   Care about your mole

If the mole on the body does not increase or bleed, the mole itself will not be dangerous. We should always pay attention to whether our nevus is abnormal, so as to avoid serious consequences caused by the malignant change of nevus.

   Keep a certain amount of physical activity

The physical activity of modern men is getting less and less, and the number of obese people is increasing year by year. Excess weight will cause great burden on the heart and joints. Therefore, men had better take a walk and take part in physical exercise regularly.

   It is important to know the family history

According to modern medicine, many pathologies have their heritability. Therefore, men should also know the medical history of their family members, make sure they have a good understanding of the disease and prevent it in time, and do a targeted job in daily health care.

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