Peach red and pearly white: Why does Zhang Ziyi convince people when he hangs Liu Yun and Zheng Shuang?

07:46, November 15, 2017 Sina Fashion
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Peach red and pear white: a sharing platform for media person, columnist Ge Yiran and friends. Public account: geyiran666.

Article | Ge Yiran and His Uncle Meow | From the Internet

Recently, Zhang Ziyi has been exposed frequently.

First, at the Basha Charity Dinner, the scene of "Qiansongyi's Possession" undressing and robbing the camera.

Compared with the official expressions of other stars, there is a kind of "love who" style.

Prada went to Shanghai "Rongzhai" in the 2018 early spring fashion show. Color matching fur coat with printed shorts inside, which is held by aura.

"Double Song" wedding, wearing a ponytail and a black and white plaid dress.

Just like this, it has also become one of the focuses of the wedding, even surpassing "Shuangsong" himself on the Korean hot search list.

Two days ago, I attended the brand event. The dark blue dress with luxury jewelry is retro and dignified.

Stars and brands complement each other, which is the original work content. Zhang Ziyi is dutiful, but she is more eye-catching than ordinary stars and always makes people remember.

So here comes the question: Why is Zhang Ziyi praised by netizens in anger no matter how she released herself recently? Compared with Shitian, why do people expect her to return to the domineering international chapter?

The answers to these questions can be found in The Birth of an Actor.

The first wave of attention was caused by "Zhang Ziyi tearing Zheng Shuang".

During the official performance of My Father and Mother, Zheng Shuang had been laughing all the time, while Liu Ye was still helping to maintain the scene. The "palace level quarrel" between Zhang Ziyi and Liu Ye broke out.

She asked Liu Ye and Zheng Shuang: How can actors have no faith? As an actor, you can know whether you have a sense of faith.

Zhang Ziyi played the role of green snake in the "Legend of White Snake" with Liu Yun. In the "Legend of White Snake", Zhang Ziyi was lower than the white snake, but from body language to eyes, Zhang Ziyi played the seductive role of green snake to the bone.

The state of disillusionment with love reminds us of Xiaoqing's leap after he was disillusioned in the movie Green Snake.

Liu Yun's white snake, without being an elder sister's aura, was completely dragged away by Zhang Ziyi in the performance and crushed into a "servant girl".

In the program broadcast this week, Zhang Ziyi also performed with Wang Junkai in TFBOYS.

In the clips posted on the Internet earlier, Wang Junkai yelled at Zhang Ziyi, "Why don't you look at yourself?" This sentence was taken out of context.

In the sketch, Zhang Ziyi acts as a teacher and leads the students to perform. When Wang Junkai was late, he was scolded by Zhang Ziyi and got angry with the teacher: Why don't you look at yourself?

Zhang Ziyi put on her glasses, restrained her smile, and looked too much like a teaching director.

After being hated, I followed Wang Junkai's words first. I know that children nowadays love to hate teachers; Then attack your heart: but I don't know what you are like? Who helped you win your leading role?

The conflict has been resolved and the core of the play has been taken back by her, which is a convincing performance.

"Drama is like life" is very appropriate for Zhang Ziyi today. Her professional ability is typical of her style.

In The Grand Master, Gong Er defeats his enemy Ma San at the station. Ma San is paralyzed on the ground and says weakly, "I have returned the things of the palace.".

Gong Er paused and replied word for word:

"To be clear, you didn't pay it back. I got it myself."

Zhang Ziyi's life also realized Gong Er's words. She, who was once controversial, has completely reversed the situation today and recovered the city in an all-round way. What does she rely on? Acting skills.

With Zhang Ziyi's acting skills, he is qualified to serve as a mentor to beat Xiaohua.

Wong Kar wai once commented: "The Dao Ma Dan with sound, color and skill was Lin Qingxia before, but now only Zhang Ziyi."

This depends on the basic skills of dance and martial arts, as well as on hard practice.

When she first learned dance, she was extremely weak in flexibility. She could not get down anywhere, such as splitting, crossing and stooping. She often went to the training room to press her legs in the dark after turning off the light. She always put her legs on the wall to sleep at night.

The first hanging threat scared Ang Lee. When others were about to hit the wall, they would subconsciously block it. Zhang Ziyi directly hit the wall with her face.

A fight with Michelle Yeoh overturned the nail plate. There was no condition to bandage the scene, so she stuck her finger in the snow and continued to fight.

When filming The Ambush on All Sides, she tied a 30kg sandbag to her legs every day, and maintained two months of high-intensity training.

In order to make a good picture of Gong Er in The Grand Master, he practiced martial arts day after day for three years.

If a movement is not standard, the teacher will take a stick to correct the body shape, and no one will treat you as a spoiled star.

In the end, even the real heirs of Bagua Zhang commented on her skill: Zhang Ziyi could get 9 points on a 10 point scale.

Gong Er of "The Grand Master" brought her back to the top, winning 12 films at one fell swoop, becoming the first female star to win the Grand Slam Award in Chinese film history.

Compared with her career, Zhang Ziyi's great changes can also be seen in her family life:

From the female star who wore pigeon eggs and laughed wildly in the middle of the Vanity Fair, she became a wake-up mother who shared her daughter's food and drink on Weibo. From the tense view of all beings to the relaxed view of oneself.

In The Birth of an Actor, Yang and Wang Liang performed a story about brothers on the way, and Zhang Ziyi took the initiative to mention her eldest daughter when commenting.

She often takes care of Xixi and wakes up together. She keeps saying "You are my daughter", which can not only foster feelings between children, but also give Xixi a sense of security.

To sort out Zhang Ziyi's superstar path: to become famous as an aggressive Yujiaolong, and his ambition of "I want" when he was young, the implicit and euphemistic Chinese people were overwhelmed.

But today, she found that she never pretended to be a designer in the entertainment circle with a lot of people. She was really close to freedom.

The chief attack, a good wife, and a good mother are all wrong. I just want to be myself.

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