Three important misunderstandings of fitness

08:37, June 5, 2017 Sina Fashion micro-blog
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Introduction: The increase and deepening of work pressure has become a trend. Even so, is it necessary to take part in fitness exercises? Not necessarily, let's take a look at some problems in the process of fitness exercise that make us hurt our health. (Source: HERS Women's Network)

The increase and deepening of work pressure has become a trend. Even so, is it necessary to participate in fitness activities? Not necessarily, let's take a look at some problems in the process of fitness exercise that make us hurt our health.

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As long as you enter the gym for exercise, is it the most effective? You are wrong. Equipment and environment should always be taken into consideration in healthy fitness. If ignored, it will easily lead you into the restricted area. Fitness will not harm your health. This method of "killing people" will hurt you most invisibly!

1、 Hearing loss

High intensity aerobics combined with loud music may damage the function of the inner ear, causing vertigo, tinnitus, ear fullness and hearing loss of high-frequency sounds.

2、 Fitness sequelae

Women often do weight-bearing exercise, which produces great pressure on the pelvis, which can cause perineal muscle relaxation and weakness. In serious cases, it can cause uterine prolapse or prolapse, urinary incontinence and other sequelae.

For this reason, bodybuilding experts suggest that female bodybuilders: do more balance exercises, stand on the wall, put their feet together, straighten their back, look straight ahead with their eyes, stretch their hands forward, press their palms against the wall, bend their elbows, and do one move forward and one move back, 8-10 times a day.

Women's bodybuilding should focus on body shape, so balance exercises, aerobics, sit ups and other items should be the first choice. You can also choose swimming, diving, rope skipping, etc.

To master the intensity and time of exercise, exercise according to your own physique and characteristics, and do not blindly imitate others.

3、 Feminization

Excessive weight lifting and other strength exercises will lead to a large loss of female hormones. It can make women tend to be masculine and grow beards and even chest hair.

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