Yang Zi is embarrassed when she doesn't agree with her. "Legs are necklaces." Really small case

08:30, June 5, 2017 Sina Fashion micro-blog
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   Introduction: Wuli, Yang Zi, a beautiful girl, and her boyfriend, Qin Junjie, played high in Happy Camp last time! They not only spread dog food in large quantities, but also talked about love one after another; Yang Zi also performed the peerless "soft" skill. Want to know what happened? Stamp? (Source: Fashion Bassa)

Qin Junjie and Yang Zishang's Love Story

Yang Zi Performs "Easy Loop with Legs on Neck"

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After watching the last issue of Happy Camp, Sister Ba couldn't help asking, is it popular for couples to go on variety shows in groups? The reason is that Sister Ba was supported by Yang Zi and Qin Junjie's dog food!

There is a "love talk" link. Qin Junjie speaks freely to Yang Zifang regardless of the single dogs present. The degree of sweetness and satiety can only be described in four words by Sister Ba, that is, "terrible"!

What "You are the most beautiful in the world" and "Empty your shopping cart" dog abuse level 5 stars.

Yang Zi is also smiling. Well, well, the world knows that you are a pair, and the ship of happiness will never sink.

Do you think this is over? NO! In addition, Sister Ba was severely attacked. That is, Yang Zi performs "peerless soft skills" on the spot. What is "peerless soft skill"? It means that people use legs as necklaces and hang them around their necks for fun.

Look, look! This is it! This leg is not enough to hang around the neck, but the whole two legs? In fact, it is not the first time to hear about Yang Zijin's softness. It has exploded once before during the shooting of Ode to Joy!

It's not two or three days

Small case of awkward tendon

Here? Just this time, the 22nd floor group embarrasses. Tut tut tut, your appearance is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and this is another kick? It is indeed the famous H5 Tiantuan!

Once Wang Ziwen's microblog was published, netizens said that the three beauties were good at frying chicken! The little monkey even left a message at the bottom saying that he could put his legs up his neck. This time, he was on the show, and he was really skilled.

Don't think it's easy to hang your legs around your neck. You can't really do it if your muscles are not soft enough! Moreover, it is impossible to stretch the tendons in a short time, and it needs long-term practice to make progress little by little. The key point is that sticking to the lacing can really outline the leg lines in a slim and stylish way!

Yang Zi's figure changes greatly

It's very thin indeed!

October 2015

At this time, the little monkey's calf was still a little swollen. Although he wore high heels, the small flesh from the "bulge" position of the calf was also a little obvious.

May 2016

By June 2016, it was obvious that the calf of the little monkey had become much thinner, even the thigh position was much lighter!

May 2017

The little monkey's leg shape has become super perfect now! Not only does the thigh look slim, but also the leg lines are smooth and delicate. Even she was excited to tweet that she really didn't have any PS!

Although stretching can not directly help you "click" thin legs, it can relieve fatigue and beautify leg muscle lines after you exercise.

What are the benefits of lacing?

Relieve fatigue and speed up circulation!

 1. Relieve fatigue

Stretching can increase the flexibility of muscles and bones, reduce the pressure on the "active muscles" during exercise, and achieve the effect of relieving fatigue.

  2。 Restores muscle elasticity and accelerates circulation

Moderate stretching can restore the elasticity of the muscle, make it no longer tense, and improve the circulatory and metabolic functions. When you finish running, the leg muscles will become stiff. Only after stretching, the muscles will become streaky, smooth and tight.

Stretching in this way to shape slim legs

Hurry up and follow Don't hesitate!

Step 1 Bend your left knee and take a step forward to keep your left calf perpendicular to the ground. The toe of the right leg is in the same direction as the body. After the posture is stable, slowly press down the body's center of gravity. When there is a sense of traction, keep it for 15 seconds, and then repeat the action on the other side.

Step 2 Support the wall with both hands, stand firmly with the left foot, bend the right leg and lift the knee to the chest, hold for 15 seconds, and switch to the other side.

Step 3 Hold the wall with your hand, and gently stand on your toes with one leg until you feel stretched. Keep it for 15 seconds, and then switch to the other side.

Step 4 Sit upright with toes raised for 15 seconds, relax and repeat twice.

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