What to eat for a long time can detoxify

08:36, June 5, 2017 Sina Fashion micro-blog
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Core tip: many people are forced to stay up late because of work, which leads to insufficient sleep, which will lead to accumulation of body toxins, skin dryness and deterioration, obvious aging and other phenomena. If they stay up late frequently, the human body cannot get sufficient rest, the normal operation of the body will be disrupted, and the secretion of hormones in the body will also change, It affects the normal operation of human organs, endangers health, and even leads to death. So, if you have to stay up late for a long time, what should you eat to detoxify your body? (Source: 39 Health Network)

Many people are forced to stay up late because of their work, which leads to insufficient sleep, which will lead to accumulation of body toxins, and skin dryness, deterioration, and obvious aging. If they stay up late frequently, the human body cannot get enough rest, the normal operation of the body will be disrupted, and the secretion of hormones in the body will also change, It affects the normal operation of human organs, endangers health, and even leads to death. So, if you have to stay up late for a long time, what should you eat to detoxify your body?

Mung bean: Mung bean can detoxify alcohol, wild bacteria, arsenic, organic phosphorus pesticide, lead, salvia, rat poison, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that mung beans can detoxify hundreds of poisons, help the excretion of poisons in the body, and promote the normal metabolism of the body. However, the cooking time should not be too long, so as to avoid the destruction of organic acids and vitamins and reduce the effect.

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Lotus root: The diuretic effect of lotus root can promote the rapid discharge of waste from the body, thereby purifying the blood. Lotus root is suitable for both cold and hot food. Juice the lotus root and add a little honey to taste and drink it directly, or warm it with a small fire and a little sugar to drink it when it is warm.

Onions: Onions can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, strengthen digestion, and contain rich sulfur. They are best combined with protein, which is particularly beneficial to the liver, so they are helpful for detoxification. Boil a pot of onion based vegetable soup, add broccoli, carrots, celery and other high fiber fruits and vegetables, which can decompose the toxins accumulated in the body and help defecate.

Mushroom food: such as black fungus, white fungus, mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, etc. These fungi are rich in selenium. Regular use can lower blood pressure, cholesterol, prevent vascular sclerosis, improve the immune function of the body, increase the content of immunoglobulin in the body, stimulate the hematopoietic function of bone marrow, smooth intestines, clean blood, detoxify, and increase intelligence.

Kelp: Alginate in kelp can cure arteriosclerosis, prevent the body from absorbing heavy metals such as lead and cadmium, and eliminate radioactive toxins in the body. Because of its high water content, alginate can form gelatinous substances in the intestine, which helps to eliminate toxic substances and prevent constipation and colon cancer.

Pig blood: After the plasma protein of pig blood is decomposed by gastric acid and digestive juice, it can produce a substance with the function of moistening intestines and detoxification. This substance can react with the dust and harmful metal particles attached to the gastrointestinal wall, so that these toxic and harmful substances can be discharged from the body.

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