The launch of Miss Universe International Competition will hold the global finals in China for the first time

14:15, March 27, 2017 Sina Fashion micro-blog
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   Introduction: The 44th Miss Universe International Competition 2017 will be launched in Beijing recently. The competition will last until the end of the year, and will be held in eight major competition areas in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chengdu. It is reported that this is the first time that the global finals have been held in China since the event was founded 43 years ago, the first time that the judges of the contest have joined the Chinese people, and the first time that the beauty standards have joined the Chinese elements.

   Miss Universe International Competition( Miss Globe International ), born in Hollywood, USA Charlie See1970 Founded in. one thousand nine hundred and seventy-five Year, Miss Globe The event is officially registered in the United States. After more than 40 years of development one hundred and twenty With the support and recognition of many countries, it has become one of the most authoritative and appealing top beauty contests in the world ten thousand TV channels reported on the competition and exceeded twenty It has attracted millions of viewers and has been given the reputation of "beauty Oscar" by the global media.

   Sino Overseas Vision (Beijing) International Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. is the only sponsor in the world that has been officially authorized by the competition group headquarters, and has become Miss Globe International Beauty Final two thousand and sixteen —— two thousand and ten The exclusive producer of.

   It is reported that the theme of this beauty contest is "Fangguan Global, Great Beauty China". It will be based on "advocating women of the times and leading the world fashion", and "show women's beautiful demeanor and create modern women's demeanor" in the form of the contest.

   The person in charge of the organizing committee introduced that the competition was held in three month twenty-five Registration will continue until seven Month. After the deadline of registration, the team will enter the final of the sub competition area, and the top three of each competition area will enter nine The finals in China will be held at the Bird's Nest in Beijing in May. The champion of China's finals will represent China eleven The international finals will be held in August.

   It is worth noting that this competition has created many "firsts" since it moved to China: the first global final was held in China, the first competition judges joined the Chinese people, the first beauty contest standard joined the Chinese elements, the first TV broadcast in the form of TV columns, the first public platform was opened, and the beauty in their hearts was voted... Therefore, This competition contains many opportunities. For example, the platform for Chinese culture to be displayed to the world, the opportunity for China's beauty to be noticed by the world, the opportunity for Chinese enterprises to go global, and the opportunity for Chinese cities to display their business cards... It is reported that this competition in China will be divided into eight major competition areas - Beijing, Chongqing, Dalian, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Fujian, Changsha, Kunming, etc. (Note: Please adjust the final manuscript according to the actual situation) eighteen From to twenty-six Those who are one year old, have a high school degree or above, have certain talent, can use more than two languages, and meet the requirements of appearance, physical health, etc., can apply for participation. The person in charge of the organizing committee said that the competition will adopt a variety of on-site competition forms, focusing on the knowledge, cultivation and connotation of modern women. It will not only let the world see the graceful appearance of women who are gorgeous, with flowing clothes and beautiful figure, but also let the world see the confidence of women who are kind, intelligent, wise and calm, and show the beauty of modern women in an all-round way!

   According to the rules, the first place in each region will win the title of "Miss Universe China" XX Champion of the competition area "; The first place winner of the finals in China will be awarded the title of "Miss Universe of China", and the top ten winners will be awarded the title of "Top Ten Miss Universe of China".

   In the final international finals, the players will be evaluated for their physical appearance, fashion, talent, overall quality, social ability, cultural level, healthy mentality, popularity index, etc eight All aspects shall be evaluated. In the end, the first place will win the title of "Miss Universe", the most popular one will win the title of "Popular Miss Universe", and the top ten will win the title of "Top Ten Miss Universe".

   It is worth noting that this competition has always been full of international celebrities. In the past years, the finals have been lit by international superstars. For example, Adele Adkins, David Beckham, Angelina Jolie... The head of the organizing committee revealed that Nicolas Cage, a world superstar, has been invited to be the judge of the international finals.

   "Therefore, the Miss Universe International Competition is a unique opportunity for the host city, which will introduce the city to the world," said the head of the organizing committee, More than ten thousand TV channels will report on the contest, publicize the host city to the world in the most effective form, and make the host city and beauty contest a global hot topic, which will attract more than twenty 100 million viewers, effectively improving the city's popularity.

   "The overall tourism industry of the city will be greatly improved, and the promotion of tourism economy is equivalent to that of ordinary cities in 5--10 The result of continuous investment of hundreds of millions of yuan per year. " The head of the organizing committee said. Statistics show that "Miss Universe" The beauty contest will bring 20% 30% And promote the rapid development of local tourism industry.

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