Shiseido Red Skin Activating Essence (Red Kidney) Evaluation

07:14, September 8, 2017 Sina Fashion
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Introduction: Have you found that as you get older and use more things, your skin is still yellow, tired and dull, and several acne marks left by staying up late and adding the squad leader are still not cured, and you can't remove them. You feel powerless when using anything, and ordinary water emulsion becomes difficult to absorb. Why, have you thought about it? The skin barrier is damaged. The skin has lost its ability to repair and resist, becoming fragile, sensitive and inactive. The key to skin care is not how many layers of care products you have applied and how expensive the essence is, but whether you have used the right product.

Shiseido's "proud and charming" essence, as the famous "Internet celebrity" essence in recent years, must be known by girls who love beauty. This essence, originally called "Red Skin Activating Essence", focuses on the function of "maintaining stability internally and resisting externally", which can deeply fight against skin aging and repair damaged skin barrier. It can be used after make-up water and before other essences to promote the absorption of follow-up care products. Xiaobian is often chased by relatives, friends, friends and colleagues around to ask whether this essence is good or not? It's not good to use it. There's no reason to speak. Let's test it in all directions today.

1、 Appearance

First of all, open the package and let's have a look at its appearance. The bright red glass bottle has a sense of texture and weight when held in the hand. The middle of the slightly curved bottle body is slightly arched outward, like a big waist. No wonder it is called "red waist" essence by netizens. Some people also call it "Proud Beauty Essence", because it is like a proud little beauty with a shy belly and a straight head. We are so confident, hum!

On the lower left corner of the back of the packing box, there is a sign indicating that the lid will be used up within 12 months after opening. Babies who want to buy this essence should pay attention. At present, this essence has four specifications of capacity, namely 30ml, 50ml, 75ml and 100ml. You can choose and buy skin care products according to the progress of your daily use of skin care products to avoid waste after expiration.

The bottle mouth adopts a pressing head design, which is convenient and sanitary, and avoids the backflow of dropper skin care products and frequent contact with the air. The whole pressing head can be rotated and unscrewed, and the waste caused by full vacuum type skin care products that cannot be used completely is avoided. Skin care products are so expensive. How can you bear the pain of not using an empty bottle completely?

2、 Texture

Extrude some onto the card paper in the form of light milky white translucent condensation. In order to ensure the most original form of the essence, it took less than 10 seconds for the small braid to be squeezed out and photographed, but the card paper at the edge of the essence has been soaked. It indicates that the water content of essence is sufficient. Close to the smell, a faint fresh flower smell, very healing.

3、 Ductility

As you can see, Xiaobian just tilted the cardboard slightly, and the essence flowed down quickly. By the time the cardboard was tilted to 90 degrees, it had dropped onto my keyboard, which is also very malleable!

4、 Freshness

Rub the essence on the back of your hand, slightly wipe it off, and quickly turn into water. After thoroughly smearing, there is a little silicon feeling, but fortunately, it is absorbed quickly. After it is completely absorbed by the skin in about three seconds, the silicon feeling disappears.

Scatter the plastic small star pieces on the back of the hand that has absorbed the essence completely. The back of the hand inclines 90 degrees, and most of the stars fall off. Only a few pieces are stuck on the back of the hand, which is very refreshing.

5、 Moisture retention

Xiaobian used a skin moisture test pen to test the skin on the back of the hand without wiping anything, and the moisture displayed was 33.6%. A sad expression was also displayed on the small screen. After wiping a pump of red kidney essence, the moisture content displayed was 46.2%, the moisture content increased significantly, and the smiling face on the screen finally appeared. After half an hour, the same skin was measured again, and the result was 41.3% moisture. The rate of decline is relatively slow, and the moisturizing duration is surprising.

6、 Antioxidant power

Through the reduction reaction of iodine, the faster and more thorough the reduction, the better the anti-aging effect. Squeeze a little "red kidney" essence in the center of iodine wine, the whole reduction reaction takes less than 3 seconds, and the reduction is very complete, which shows that the antioxidant effect is good, and the anti-aging effect is excellent.

7、 Absorptive power

Prepare two pieces of crystal earth of the same size. One is placed in a natural state, and the other is immersed in two pumps of Shiseido Skin Activating Essence. Half an hour later, the crystal soil immersed in the essence obviously increased to about 5 times of the original, with amazing absorption.

8、 PH

Generally, the ph value of healthy skin is about 5.0-5.6, which belongs to weak acidity, so the ph value of skin care products should be around 6. Drop Shiseido Skin Activating Essence onto the test paper. After color card comparison, the ph value is between 5.5 and 6, which is very mild and suitable for all skin types.

9、 Use feeling of various skin types:

1. Cold Beauty (oil skin): It can be quickly collected, fresh and not greasy, not clogging pores, and not stuffy acne.

2. POOKY (neutral skin): It has sufficient wet force and is easy to absorb. It is better to add other skin care products later.

3. Detective Ke Yang (super sensitive leather): It is refreshing without burden, and has no discomfort after use. Adherence to use it has a certain repairing effect.

4. Xiao Qian (mixed skin): Effectively adjust the balance of water and oil, reduce the amount of oil on the nose and forehead, and prevent the skin on the cheeks.


After comprehensive evaluation, Shiseido Skin Activating Essence is a mild moisturizing and repairing essence with fresh texture, easy absorption and excellent antioxidant effect, which is a good choice for all kinds of skin. If you use it consistently, it will definitely bring qualitative changes to your skin.

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