British plastic surgeons bought insurance to operate

07:57, October 17, 2016 Life Times micro-blog
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Since April 2013, the British Ministry of Health and the British Association of Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons jointly issued a notice requiring doctors under the association to buy cosmetic medical insurance for patients from their own pocket before performing cosmetic surgery.

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With the development of medical technology, many people can become more beautiful through plastic surgery although they are not born beautiful. However, any operation will have certain risks, and the risks of cosmetic surgery cannot be ignored. In the UK, doctors will buy a special medical insurance before plastic surgery in order to help people who undergo plastic surgery bear lower risks.  

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The reporter of Life Times learned that in recent years, more and more people choose to undergo cosmetic surgery to obtain beauty. According to statistics, the turnover of Britain's cosmetic surgery industry in 2010 was 2.3 billion British (about 23 billion yuan). However, a variety of "cosmetic sequelae" have also emerged, especially postoperative infections, skin ulcers and other complications. In addition, some doctors' behaviors such as using inferior silicone fillers also seriously affected the health of patients.  

For this reason, from April 2013, the Ministry of Health and the British Association of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons jointly issued a notice requiring doctors under the association to buy cosmetic medical insurance for patients from their own pocket before performing cosmetic surgery. According to the risks, types and body parts involved in cosmetic surgery, the premium generally ranges from 50 to 2000 pounds (about 5 to 2 million yuan).  

Rajiv Grover, president of the British Association of Aesthetic Surgeons, said: "This insurance covers some of the most popular plastic surgery at present, such as abdominal plastic surgery, eyelid surgery, breast augmentation, liposuction and wrinkle removal. The complications covered by the insurance also cover almost all possible situations." If patients have any discomfort after plastic surgery, You can go to the doctor who performs the operation for them to receive free examination and treatment.  

Thanks to the plastic surgery medical insurance, the British media praised the British plastic surgeons for providing the "safest" plastic surgery in the world. It is reported that the turnover of the cosmetic surgery industry in Britain has risen to 3.6 billion pounds (about 36 billion yuan) in 2015.

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