If you encounter difficulties in your life, you may as well listen to your parents' suggestions

19:37, September 24, 2017 Sina Women
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Source: Tianya Netizens

My female, 27 years old, has just resigned from a first tier city and returned home because she is pregnant for three months. He is 28 years old. He and I are from the same place. Two years ago, his friends introduced him. He met several times at that time, but there was no follow-up. There was no contact between them. This year, I suddenly contacted me again to show my regret. He works in our local electric power company, and his appearance and height are acceptable. He has a house and a car, and he is the only one in the family with a married sister. To tell you the truth, the landlord is not young, and his family is very eager for marriage. It's just that he has good conditions and is honest and diligent. So we got together.

It was unlucky to say that she accidentally became pregnant after a roommate during the safety period. He was very happy, told his parents and discussed marriage. It didn't matter in the early stage, but now after taking wedding photos and ordering diamond rings, I regret it day by day. I am struggling every day after three months of pregnancy. Because his parents work and live in the factory, I live in my own home after I go home. He comes here every day after work. But to be honest, I never look at him squarely, and I am impatient to talk to him, not to mention that he touches me, and I am totally disgusted.

Maybe someone will say, why do you want to be pregnant if you hate him so much? Pregnancy is just an accident. My menstruation has always been regular. This time, the pregnancy doctor said that ovulation was four days late in the month of pregnancy. Maybe this is life. As for the early stage of love, I still have a good opinion of him. Although there are several things that make me unhappy, they are not taken seriously. To sum up, the reason why I dislike him is that one word is "stingy". Although the owner of the building is a single parent family, my mother felt indebted to me and my sister since childhood, so she never owed money and materials. I have been living in the first tier cities since graduation. Although spending money is not like running water, at least I can eat as much as I want and buy as much as I want. The same is true for making friends. I will not haggle over every penny for some small money.

At that time, I was still working in Shenzhen, so I asked for leave to visit him. During this period, I ate at my home, never went out to eat, and saw a movie, that's all. The day I left, he came over with a bag and said that his father asked him to buy me something to eat and drink. When I saw it, there were five or six cans of Jiaduobao in the bag. It was a box sent by their unit. He kept it on the car! There's nothing else. It's estimated that I bought you more than 70 yuan of snacks. That's enough. I said before that I am not a fussy person. I don't have much money to buy food and drink. I didn't say anything.

Not long after I returned to Shenzhen, it was the Chinese Valentine's Day. I was full of expectation and forwarded a Swarovski advertisement in my circle of friends. As a result, he sent me a 5.20 red envelope the same day, and I was hehe. However, I don't want to be thought that I love money by him.

After more than a month's return, my aunt did not visit. After checking, she was indeed pregnant. When I called him, I was very happy. I informed both parents and they were very happy. They began to urge me to resign and go home to get married. Because my work ability is pretty good, and the boss also thinks highly of me when I work in hotel management. I had to promise to leave after one month.

During this period, he never bought me a piece of food. Yes, in another place, but in another place, can't you Taobao or mail it? Not to mention all kinds of B ultrasonic examination and give me a penny. At this time, I realized that he was a bit stingy. Let's talk about a more wonderful thing. Because my sister is also pregnant, one day my brother-in-law went to HK to shop and bought some plum blossom for my sister. It is a very famous brand in Hong Kong. It is very expensive. It costs 30 yuan or two. My brother-in-law bought more than 100 yuan. In the video that night, I joked that I would also like to eat a plum blossom for 30 yuan or two. He promised me very cheerfully and immediately sent me a red envelope. Take it apart, thirty! I didn't want to fight with anger at that time. I said, "Oh, can I just buy one or two?"? He may feel embarrassed and send another 200 yuan. In a word, we are now at this stage. He has always given red envelopes and has not transferred them.

I made an appointment with him to come here to take wedding photos and order diamond rings. Before he came, my mother told him that I had a crush on a model of 16 million yuan and asked him to buy it for me. As a result, we went to the store and cut the price for half a day. It was not easy to cut the price to fifteen thousand. Someone was ready to write an order. He told me that I didn't have so much money. I was embarrassed at that time. Everyone who has been to the jewelry store knows that several shopping guides surrounded you, and they were very enthusiastic. And he didn't say a word after choosing for so long. I didn't like it until I had to pay for it. Finally, I swiped my card and told him that the money must be returned to me. However, I was still upset because my mother had told him in advance that he didn't want to buy it on purpose? I can't let it go. One day when we quarreled, I finally couldn't help telling him. His reason was that his mother said that you liked him, but I didn't know that if you liked him, I had to buy it. ha-ha!

Cut in something that has nothing to do with stinginess. The first time I went home, I saw that there was Momo on his mobile phone. When I opened it, all kinds of female friends were there. I didn't see the chat record. I was surprised at that time. I didn't play Momo. I felt sick when I heard that it was a magic weapon. I also hated people around me playing it. I always thought he was honest. At that time, I asked him if he knew that Momo was a magic weapon. He said he didn't know. I said that you'd better unload it and stop playing. He promised to unload it. However, when he came over during the National Day holiday, I saw Momo on his mobile phone again. I was very angry at that time, so I asked him why he installed it again. He could not say, but could not explain that he just installed it without playing. I ha ha, this is also the reason? Then can I take off my clothes and sleep with other men, and then say that I just take off and do nothing?

I have lived in my house since I came back, and he still hasn't given me a penny for food and clothing. Before long, it's time to go to the hospital to build a book and have an antenatal examination. He was asked to accompany me to the hospital. The funny thing was that when the doctor said that the first prenatal examination would cost more than 1000, he immediately told me that he didn't have that much money. So I came back after a few checks. On the way, he also talked about the fact that our mother's generation had given birth to a child without prenatal examination. He said whether some examinations were unnecessary or whether the doctor had stolen his money. I'll just hehe. I said that I am reluctant to give up this small amount of money. How much money do you need to pay for a defective child in your whole life?

In addition, I thought about breaking up once before I became pregnant, and I also talked to him. I said that our consumption outlook is too different and inappropriate, and I don't want to fight for trivial money in the future. His attitude was that I would take care of all the money in the future, and he said he was willing to change it. So they broke up and later became pregnant unexpectedly. However, I haven't seen him hand in his salary card for a long time. I asked him if he hadn't paid his salary for several months. The night before yesterday, I asked him if he hadn't paid his salary. He started to say no, and I asked him the second time that he had paid his salary for a month. I said you don't think you should give me some money? He took his mobile phone to call me a thousand, and I got angry immediately. What do you mean? When I was in love, I promised to pay my salary to me. Now when I get it, I will regret it, right? He gave me the card only after getting angry. However, my heart has been cold for a long time. If I thought he would be willing to have children instead, I now understand. In his heart, nothing matters!

Now I don't want to look at him more than once. He takes my hand and I will throw it away immediately, not to mention that he wants to sleep with me three or four times after pregnancy. My mother talked to me and said that if I was so tired of him now, I would induce labor as soon as possible and not marry. But I didn't dare to tell her that I had had abortions when I was in college, and that induced labor hurt too much. I was also old, and I was really afraid that I would not be born in the future. In my heart, I don't want to live with such people forever. What should I do???

I have decided not to break up with my child. I plan to talk with my mother tonight! I talked to my mother, but she didn't agree with me. The reason is that, for one thing, his appearance and income are all acceptable, and his family are honest. 2、 I am afraid that I will not be born or found when I am old enough to induce labor. I feel loveless now.

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