If you meet a man who can protect you in a crisis, just marry him!

15:18, August 3, 2017 Sina Blog
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I didn't find out who that person was when I looked back. There were men and women nearby, all playing mobile phones and listening to music. I looked back helplessly, but a few minutes later, my butt was touched again several times. This time I caught the salty pig hand, a dirty looking man with glasses.

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The husband pretends to be invisible when he meets a salty pig on the subway

 Meet Salted Pig Feet Meet Salted Pig Feet

My husband and I came to Beijing in 2011 and became truly Beidrifters. Five years later, my husband and I still live in a shared house of more than 20 square meters. Take the subway for more than an hour to work every day. If there are many people, it will take an hour and a half to get to the company, especially on Monday and Friday. It's hard for me to live in such a day!

If I can stand the crowded subway, there is one thing I can't stand. In the news, we often see some salty pig hands, who are sneaking out to you behind your back to take advantage. Personally, I think I am not a so-called beauty, and I have no high face value.

However, I was still being watched. Last weekend at the rush hour, my husband and I went home together. There were so many people in the subway that we hardly had room to stand. My husband and I were squeezed into a corner. After getting on the bus and passing three or four stops, I suddenly felt that someone had touched my back.

I didn't find out who that person was when I looked back. There were men and women nearby, all playing mobile phones and listening to music. I looked back helplessly, but a few minutes later, my butt was touched again several times. This time I caught the salty pig hand, a dirty looking man with glasses.

I motioned to my husband to help catch him, but he looked puzzled and asked me what was wrong. What happened? I said that the man stole me. You should help catch him and take him to the police station.

But at this moment, the husband said: I didn't see it just now! When did he touch you? While I was talking to my husband, Chen, the smelly rascal, ran away. At that time, I was so angry that my tears came out. I asked my husband: Why don't you help me? Am I still your wife?

Article Source( Shen Luomei's Blog

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