Marriage is the combination of two families Understanding is the best bridge

11:02, April 26, 2017 Sina Women
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I'm still nursing. I used to be free at home, but now I have to dress neatly every day. Pay attention to this and that. It's still a small matter. The key life habits are totally wrong, and I always mess with the baby. I'm really angry.

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Blog friend said:

When the baby was more than three months old, her mother-in-law came to take care of the baby. My mother-in-law is very kind and we get along well. Recently, I began to get upset. My father-in-law came here. I thought I was just coming to stay for a few days to see the baby. It seems that I have to stay for a long time. How can I break this?

Now my husband is living in his own room when he is not at home. I feel more and more that home is not my own! Alas, my parents bought the house for me, and didn't let them pay a dime. They just hoped that we could live alone, and the old people would be less involved and less contradictory. I think the smell is far away. If my father-in-law wants to live with his son, grandson and mother-in-law, it will be no problem for him to come here for a few days. It must be inconvenient for him to stay for a long time. My father-in-law is only 51 this year, younger than my father. Now is not the time to provide for the elderly. Why should Mao live here! I'm still nursing. I used to be free at home, but now I have to dress neatly every day. Pay attention to this and that. It's still a small matter. The key life habits are totally wrong, and I always mess with the baby. I'm really angry.

I told my parents that if he stayed, he would let his mother-in-law go back. We asked our aunt to take care of us. But I also worry, first, the mother-in-law really hurts the baby, I am relieved; Second, I think I hurt my mother-in-law and husband in this way. He told his husband that it was inconvenient for his father to live often. He could understand, but he didn't know how to speak. His father was short tempered. Alas, is it really necessary to wait for him to blink?? Everyone can't help it?

Blogger analysis:

In Journey to the West, Tang Monk is afraid of monsters, monsters are afraid of Wukong, and Wukong is afraid of Tang Monk. Perhaps Wu Chengen's initial interest in writing this novel is from this complex and interesting food chain. This phenomenon also widely exists in our marriage and family. The father-in-law needs the mother-in-law, the mother-in-law needs the son, and the daughter-in-law needs the son. The daughter-in-law is not afraid of the mother-in-law, but is afraid of the son, the son is not afraid of the daughter-in-law, but is afraid of the parents. So we live together, and there are many unspeakable troubles.

"I told my parents that they would let my mother-in-law go back if he stayed a long time. We asked her to take care of him. But I was worried, first, my mother-in-law really hurt the baby, and I was relieved; second, I felt it hurt my mother-in-law and husband. When I told my husband that it was inconvenient for his father to stay a long time, he could understand, but he didn't know how to speak. His father was grumpy." - She was at the bottom of the food chain, She needs her husband very much, so she is afraid that he will ignore her and he will be angry, and he is afraid that his parents will be angry, so he can only hold her down and let her be at ease. Her parents were indifferent to her, so they gave her an idea to stand and talk without backache. They are from the past. Don't they know that their daughter needs her son in law very much, and is afraid that her son in law will be unhappy? Their idea is that since you don't listen to us and have to marry him, we have no choice. Besides, we have already bought you a house and have done our utmost. You can go through your life without us.

She doesn't depend on her parents, she depends on her husband. When she chose her husband in the second year of the junior high, she thought that she could live a happy life from now on. As a result, her husband attracted her mother-in-law, and her mother-in-law attracted her father-in-law. She was squeezed into such a situation: "I now live in my own room when my husband is not at home, and more and more feel that home is not my own!" - This is her incompetence The consequences of laziness and dependence.

She can't expel her in laws unless she gets divorced. Her wishful thinking is to drive her father-in-law away first, and then drive her mother-in-law away when the child is old and does not need her mother-in-law. Don't let her tell her father-in-law to leave, otherwise, her hard life will come soon. As soon as her father-in-law recites the Curse, her husband's golden cudgel will hit her. "Journey to the West" is beautiful, and her family's play is also wonderful. As a bitter role, she will certainly earn tears from the audience. The audience laughed after crying, feeling very satisfied. They exchanged their experience of watching the play. The last sentence was just two words: deserved!

Only when our Chinese concept evolves to the point that parents' home and children's home are mutually exclusive, respect each other, and exist independently, will this drama disappear.

Article Source( Cricket's blog in the Forbidden City

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