Shen Jiayi's live version is the third year student bully who was admitted to a university harder than Harvard (picture)

10:24, December 22, 2015 comprehensive
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 The admission rate of Hangzhou senior three female student bully admitted by famous American schools is only 2.8% Shen Jiawen
 The admission rate of Hangzhou senior three female student bully admitted by famous American schools is only 2.8% Summer vacation in America
Shen Jiawen
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   The University of Minerva admitted Shen Jiawen, who is more difficult to take the exam than Harvard

   I'm the kind of person who likes it and must try it

A few days ago, Xueba, a beautiful girl from Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School, was admitted to Harvard and became very popular on the Internet for several days. We haven't forgotten that another beautiful woman in Hangzhou has become popular on the Internet. She is Shen Jiawen, a junior girl in Cambridge International High School of Hangzhou Foreign Language School. It is said that she was admitted to Minerva Schools at KGI, which is more difficult than Harvard.

Seeing the pictures of beautiful women, netizens shouted, "Shen Jiayi's real life version is more beautiful and inspirational

Last night, Hang Wai confirmed that this girl is really Shen Jiawen from Cambridge International High School. She has received the admission notice from the University of Minerva. She is still considering whether she will go in the end.

   You may not know how hard a beauty can learn from a bully

Shen Jiawen, a "beauty learning bully" from Hangzhou, was born in 1998. My father works in foreign trade. He often goes abroad and has access to a lot of foreign information. He said that going to different places to study is very helpful for the whole life. So as early as when her children were in primary school, she made plans to go abroad for her. Jiawen also has a younger brother, who is in the second year of junior high school, and plans to go abroad in the future. They often communicate in English at home.

Last night, I contacted Shen Jiawen. The little girl spoke sweetly and introduced her situation politely: "The primary school was in Yuhua, Green City, and later transferred to Qiushi. It was originally said that junior high school would send me abroad, but my father hated it, so I went to the 13th Middle School. Later, when he said that senior high school would go abroad, my father hated it, and let me go to Cambridge High School outside Hangzhou. Now I have to go to college. My father can't stay, ha ha. "

Jiawen has always been good at learning, English and hobbies. Shen Jiayi in The Girls We Chased Together in Those Years is only one word short of her name and has a good image, so she is named "Beauty Xueba".

Recently, as soon as there is information about beauty learning bully, it will become popular on the Internet. She is beautiful, her family is superior, and her studies are excellent. Many netizens questioned that their good results were due to their good family circumstances. Don't be so absolute. The superior family situation has indeed given them many resources and opportunities to see more and see more. But you may not know how hard they fight.

Let's see what Shen Jiawen has done in her spare time, except that she has been among the best from primary school to high school——

Primary schools and junior high schools are the primary hosts of Zhejiang TV station, recording programs regularly, participating in competitions and activities;

In junior high school, he was the campus ambassador of Zhejiang Art Museum, and went to various schools to promote Zhejiang art;

The junior high school serves as the vice president of the school's photo club, manages the photo club, and regularly organizes activities and exhibits;

During the summer vacation after junior high school graduation, I posted advertisements in the community, worked as a tutor, and taught several children English;

In high school, I ran well and was an athlete of the school track and field team;

Participate in robot societies, go to Macao to participate in national competitions and win the first prize;

Participate in the Star of Outlook English Talent Competition and win the championship in Hangzhou and Zhejiang Province;

Served as the director of Hangwai TV Station and the host, determined the shooting theme and plan, and regularly launched programs;

Internship in Casio Company in Shanghai during the holiday and help them shoot promotional videos;

I went to the United States alone on the first day of the junior year holiday, applied for short-term courses, and came back alone after studying. This summer, I went to Brown University to take a two-week sociology course, and discussed racial discrimination, gender discrimination and other topics with students from all over the world.


It is not difficult to see that her schedule is very full. When asked if she is tired, she said that it is all her favorite things and she is happy when she is tired. The little girl said, "A lot of people have been passing on my news these days, making me look like a god. In fact, it's nothing. I'm the kind of person who has to give it a try if I like it. I enjoy the process: constantly looking for myself, and have some control over my future."

   Didn't decide what to do in the future

   Don't want to choose a major once entering college

Take a look at the University of Minerva. This is the third year that this university, which has been widely spread on the Internet, was founded by former Harvard President, US Treasury Secretary and former Wharton Business School (Weibo) President, etc. The school does not have a fixed campus, and implements the "travel study system". In four years, it has studied in seven major cities in the world, including Hong Kong, Mumbai, Buenos Aires, Berlin, London and New York. Living in the local residential building, we canceled the large classes and small classes, with about 20 people in one class. Professors from all over the world give lectures online and interact with students at any time. Moreover, the university also provides lifelong support for each student - through various resources of the university, ensure that students go to the company or institution they most want to go to for internship and employment.

Last year, the university received 2474 applications, and only 68 people were admitted, 2.8% of which is lower than Harvard's 6%.

Why did you choose this university? Teacher Zheng Wei, the head teacher, said that with Shen Jiawen's achievements, he was qualified to apply to Cambridge, Oxford and other universities, and the probability of admission was also great.

However, Shen Jiawen said, "It's very exciting to have been in seven cities for four years. I have been to more than half of the seven cities and would like to spend more time to understand the charm of each city. Moreover, after admission, unlike Oxford, Cambridge and other schools, which have to choose majors in the first year, this school has been general education in the first two years. I am most afraid of being asked what I want to do. I like being a host, want to be a reporter, and want to learn business. I have too many interests. I really don't know what I will do in the future. The University of Minerva and its brilliant founders are determined to give it a try. "

After receiving the admission notice, Shen Jiawen was very happy and chatted with the senior student of Hang Wai at the University of Minerva, but had not decided whether to go or not.

"My father heard that I was admitted to a new school, so he searched the Internet quickly, but he didn't raise any objection. Our family is quite democratic, and we all listen to our own opinions. But my mother and I had a special discussion. There is no fixed campus in the school, and it is very interesting to run around. But if we change places in half a year, it is not easy to talk about love anymore. And it is all online teaching

Class, facing the computer for a long time, not very good for the skin. Recently, I'm going to have an online class, see how I feel, and then make a decision. "

How to enroll the University of Minerva?

The admission rate of the University of Minerva is 2.8%. How on earth will it be admitted? Shen Jiawen recalled the whole admission process.

The University of Minerva is different from some universities in that it "hands in all the materials" and waits for the admission results. There are 5 steps in the application:

1、 Fill in basic information, not SAT, TOEFL (Weibo) Results, etc., mainly fill in some personal information.

2、 Online exam, one and a half hours. There are three parts:

Logic test (about 14 questions, 3 minutes for each question), finding rules, reading maps, etc., was simple at first, but later became difficult; Mathematics test (20 questions, 10-15 minutes in total); The last one is the imagination and thinking test (3 minutes in total). Everyone's questions are different.

Shen Jiawen said that the question she got was the purpose of a box of cards and asked to write as many as possible. "I wrote that it can be used as a domino to play games. Finally, I wrote that one can be stuffed into my wallet to make it bigger. This answer is very interesting. I think the admissions officer will laugh when he sees it."

3、 Your achievements. This part is more important, and every achievement must have evidence, which can be certificates, web links, videos, photos, etc.

In addition to winning some competitions, "Among my achievements, the most touching thing should be taking care of stray dogs. There was a stray dog behind my house, whose leg was broken, and life was miserable. My neighborhood and I took turns to take care of it. Later, the dog gave birth to seven puppies. I made a speech in school, and also publicized on WeChat. Finally, the seven puppies were adopted by good people. Now, this dog lives in my backyard, like a family.

4、 Uploading high school transcripts is a must.

5、 The most important thing for admissions officers is video assessment, so as to understand students in an all-round way. A total of 20 questions, 40 minutes to answer. But there is no admissions officer face to face.

There is a question. What is the one thing that I struggle with every day?

My answer is to get up.

A question asked you what conflicts with your family?

The day before I recorded the video, there happened to be something at home: my brother and I were talking in English, and my mother was not used to it, so she told me about us. My brother and I will study abroad in the future. It's really good to practice each other at home. But I am afraid that I will gradually forget some traditional Chinese culture when I think of the cultural conflict between China and the West after going abroad. I think it's a good answer.

There is a limited time for writing, 15 minutes. The question Shen Jiawen got was: If you could give a superpower to a stranger, what would you choose?

I think this question is very difficult. You can't give it to yourself, but to others. Finally, I talked about the ability to travel through time, because I thought of the reasons behind every disaster, as well as many unsolved mysteries in ancient times. I hope to give strangers the ability to travel through time, see the mysteries, and solve the truth. (Zhejiang Education News Network Urban Express)

For more information, please visit: Sina College Entrance Examination Channel Enrollment data in previous years

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