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TPL actively launched the 2023 "Financial Consumer Rights Protection Education and Publicity Month" activity

From the farmland under the scorching sun to the crowded business district, from the hale and hearty elderly to the energetic young people... Taiping people wear red ribbons and walk on the front line of financial consumer rights protection education.

Since September 15, TPL has closely focused on the theme of "gathering financial power and creating a better life", and comprehensively carried out the 2023 "Financial Consumer Rights Protection Education and Publicity Month" publicity activities.

Actively implement the "Five Entries"

In response to the call, 36 institutions under the jurisdiction of TPL, according to the local regulatory requirements and the actual situation, have organized and carried out the five entry activities of "entering the countryside, entering the community, entering the campus, entering the enterprise, and entering the business circle", face to face with consumers, and implemented the education and publicity activities.

In rural Zhejiang, TPL entered Xunshan Village, Liangzhu, Hangzhou, to carry out education on financial knowledge related to the spread of positive financial energy for the villagers, and provide free physical examination services such as blood pressure measurement.

In Shandong's colleges and universities, Taiping Life Insurance entered Rizhao Maritime Engineering Vocational College to popularize the knowledge of preventing telecom network fraud, campus loans and other knowledge for freshmen, and help them start a better university life.

In Henan, TPL went into one of the largest pension centers in Zhengzhou and gave one-on-one publicity and explanation to more than 200 elderly people in the community.

In Ningbo, Taiping Life Insurance, together with its brother companies, walked into Hengyi Square, Haishu District, the local core business district, and carried out education and publicity on financial consumer protection for consumers.

In Dalian, TPL went to Dalian Minglang Trading, Great Wall Hotel, Dalian and Big Dairy Cattle Breeding and other enterprises to carry out exchange activities, popularize financial knowledge, and provide insurance knowledge popularization services for employees of event enterprises.

In addition, Taiping Life Insurance counter continued to implement aging service measures, such as love seats, presbyopia glasses, etc., to take care of the elderly with mobility difficulties and specifically optimize the service experience of the elderly.

Innovative combination of party building and regional cultural activities

In order to strengthen publicity and enrich the forms of activities, TPL also combined the party building activities and local cultural characteristics to broaden the interest of consumer protection education activities and promote the diversified implementation of financial consumer education publicity.

Taiping Life Insurance walked into the prestigious Fujian Zhangzhou Puppet Troupe, combining finance with Zhangzhou's local culture, set up a consulting desk on the spot, distributed leaflets to the public, and explained financial consumption knowledge.

Taiping Life also organized employees and customers to visit a museum in Nanjing, and explained financial knowledge to the on-site staff to deeply integrate party building activities with financial publicity.

Launch outdoor large screen rolling broadcast publicity

In addition, in order to continue to support the in-depth development of the "Financial Consumer Rights Protection Education and Publicity Month" publicity campaign and increase the exposure of the campaign, TPL has launched outdoor large screens in major large and medium-sized cities in China, rolling the broadcast of financial consumer rights protection education related publicity, such as Shanghai, Qingdao, Shenzhen and Dalian.

Among them, Taiping Life Insurance put a large screen advertisement for nearly half a month in the satellite hall of Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport to promote the theme of financial consumer protection education to the customers in the airport.

In Lujiazui, the core functional area of Shanghai International Financial Center, Taiping Life Insurance plays the theme of financial consumer protection education on the subway station TV ads with huge traffic.

At the China Railway Qingdao Center Building in the center of Qingdao, Taiping Life Insurance carried out theme publicity of relevant activities with the help of outdoor screens.

In the sister building of Dalian landmark Friendship Plaza, Taiping Life Insurance launched a huge advertisement of "financial consumer insurance spokesperson", which lasted for half a month and continued to expand the influence of the theme activity by going deep into the downtown area.

Through the high-frequency rolling broadcast of outdoor advertisements in a number of large and medium-sized cities, TPL expanded its activities to cover the population with practical and effective actions, helped financial consumers understand financial policies that benefit the people, improved their awareness of financial security, safeguarded their own rights and interests according to law, improved the financial literacy of the public, and created a harmonious and healthy financial environment.

key word: life finance propaganda consumes'interests

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