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2023 World Food Day: Implementing the Great Food Concept and Ensuring Food Security

Beijing, China Economic Network, October 16 (Reporter Li Dongyang) -- World Food Day, the theme of this year's World Food Day is "water is the source of life, water is the foundation of food. Let no one fall behind." On October 16, World Food Day 2023 and the National Food Safety Publicity Week were launched in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. At the same time, the State Food and Materials Reserve Bureau, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the All China Women's Federation (ACWF) issued an initiative to the whole society: "Practice the concept of big food to ensure food security".

How to make China's job more secure? The proposal proposes to consolidate the foundation of food security in an all-round way to make China's job more secure. We will deepen the implementation of the strategy of "storing grain on the ground and storing grain in technology", implement a new round of action to increase grain production capacity by 100 billion kg, and constantly improve the comprehensive grain production capacity. Vigorously promote the construction of high standard farmland, deeply implement the seed industry revitalization action, strengthen the construction of crop pest control capacity, and promote production and efficiency. We will accelerate scientific and technological breakthroughs in agricultural machinery, agronomy, improved varieties and methods, and strengthen the construction of modern agricultural industrial technology systems. We will strengthen disaster emergency management and comprehensively improve the ability of agriculture to resist risks.

How to make China's job more prosperous? It is proposed to strengthen diversified food supply to make China's job more prosperous. We should build a large pattern of food security based on the concept of big food, and make rational use of resources such as mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand. We should pay attention to asking for food from forests, grasslands, rivers, lakes and seas, heat and protein from plants, animals and microorganisms, develop a variety of food varieties, realize the balance between supply and demand of all kinds of food, and build a high-quality food security system.

How to make China's rice bowl richer? It is proposed to promote grain saving and loss reduction in the whole chain, so as to make China's job more prosperous. Adhere to systematic thinking and coordinated linkage, and promote the whole chain of "production, purchase, storage and marketing" of grain to save and reduce losses. We will speed up tackling key agricultural core technologies, improve the level of mechanized operation of grain crops, strengthen the construction of post production service system for grain, vigorously promote green low-temperature grain storage technology, improve standards to guide moderate processing, reduce processing losses and nutrient losses, continue to promote the reduction and substitution of feed grains, and effectively reduce losses and waste in production and circulation, Cultivate well to save grain and reduce this "invisible grain field".

How to make China's rice bowl healthier? It is proposed to cultivate the concept of green nutrition to make China's rice bowl healthier. Adhere to the concept of green development, vigorously advocate scientific diet, guide residents out of the "refined rice and white flour" diet mistake, form the habit of "coarse and fine matching", and optimize the diet structure. Vigorously advocate reducing oil and increasing green, guide residents to eat oil reasonably and moderately, and constantly improve residents' healthy diet and green consumption level. Fully popularize the knowledge of dietary nutrition and healthy consumption, promote the transformation of food supply from "guaranteed supply" to "excellent supply", and promote the transformation of the whole society's production and lifestyle to green and low-carbon.

How to make China's rice bowl more civilized? It is proposed to inherit the traditional virtue of diligence and thrift and make China's rice bowl more civilized. Vigorously promote frugality, rational consumption and moderate consumption, guide residents to practice strict economy and oppose waste. We will actively practice food conservation, promote the promotion and education of food conservation in government agencies, schools, enterprises, communities, rural areas, families, and military camps, and effectively enhance the sense of saving of the whole people. Advocate catering consumption "according to one's ability", abandon the traditional bad habit of "showing off", and strive to be the "vanguard" of civilized dining.

Thrift will benefit the people and prosper the country. To love and save food is not a slogan. The key is to reflect in everyone's actual actions. The proposal proposes that let's work together and practice, strive to be the advocates, promoters and practitioners of food conservation, save every grain of food with practical actions, put an end to "waste on the tip of the tongue", jointly guard the "granary of big countries", and contribute to national food security.

key word: World Food Day food safety Big Food View

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