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Dilution chiller, the core component of domestic quantum computer, was successfully launched

China News Network, Hefei, October 17 (Reporter Zhang Jun) The reporter learned from Anhui Quantum Computing Engineering Research Center on October 17 that the home-made dilution refrigerator of Benyuan SL400, independently developed by Benyuan Quantum Computing (Hefei) Co., Ltd., was successfully launched, marking a breakthrough in the key core technology of quantum computing extreme low temperature refrigeration.

Original quantum SL400 domestic dilution refrigerator. Courtesy of Anhui Quantum Computing Engineering Research Center

According to Zhang Junfeng, the relevant director of Anhui Quantum Computing Engineering Research Center, the dilution refrigerator is one of the key core equipment of the superconducting quantum computer, which can provide an extremely low temperature operating environment close to absolute zero for the quantum computer. In addition to the field of quantum computing, dilution refrigerators are widely used in condensed matter physics, material science, deep space exploration and other frontier technologies.

Zhang Junfeng said that the dilution refrigerator can provide an extremely low temperature environment below 12mK and a cooling capacity of no less than 400 μ W @ 100mK. The cooling time is within 40 hours, and the heating time is within 24 hours, which can meet the requirements of ultra low temperature operation environment and rapid temperature recovery of superconducting quantum computing, reaching the level of international mainstream products.

Zhang Junfeng introduced that the price of international mainstream dilution refrigerators is about 4 million to 6 million yuan, and the localization of dilution refrigerators has accelerated the pace of self-reliance in the field of quantum computing.

Benyuan Quantum is the first quantum computing company in China, and has the ability to develop a full chain of quantum computers. In 2021, the company successfully delivered a superconducting quantum computer to users, making China the third country in the world capable of delivering complete quantum computers. (End)


key word: refrigerator quantum computer Deep space exploration Extremely low temperature engineering research

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