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Ali Turhoun: 28 years of forensic medical career, pursuing "truth and fairness"

China News Network, Kashi, Xinjiang, October 16 (Tao Shuanke) "For the rights of the living, for the words of the dead", practicing the responsibility and responsibility of a forensic doctor, Ali Tuerhong has worked silently for 28 years in the post of forensic doctor of the Public Security Bureau of Bachu County, Xinjiang, and has won three personal third class merit, national outstanding people's police and other honors, known as the expert in criminal science and technology of the local public security bureau.

Ali Tuerhong, 49 years old, is thin, dark, less talkative and gentle. He is now the deputy director of the Criminal Science and Technology Office of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Bachu County Public Security Bureau in Kashgar.

On the first day of entering the police camp, Ali Turhoun also stepped into the first step of his forensic medicine career. In August 1995, he graduated from the health school and was recruited to the criminal investigation department of Bachu County Public Security Bureau to work as an appraisal assistant. He often went to the front line of inspection with his master. Where the body appeared, Ali Turhoun appeared at the first time.

"At the beginning, I learned a lot from my master. I was careful and rigorous. I was also cautious about every case. Therefore, I think forensic medicine is sacred, and there is no room for carelessness," said Ali Turhoun.

In the face of one complicated criminal case after another over the past 28 years, Ali Turhoun knows that every subtle clue may be the key to solving a case, so he can always find clues from a tiny trace on the dead, extract silk and cocoon from many biological examination materials, and provide "iron evidence" for solving the case.

Eric Turhoun compared the materials in the studio. Photographed by Tao Shuanke

"Forensic medicine must be careful. Wrong information will lead to the deviation of the whole investigation direction of the case. Sometimes I have to extract the examination materials even after the body decays for a long time. These are all my jobs, and I can't compromise," said Ali Turhoun.

During the interview, Ali Turhoun opened his diary and told the reporter about his unforgettable memory. One day in October 2017, the Bachu County Public Security Bureau received a report from a Bachu woman, Ai, that her husband, A, had hanged himself. Eli led the technical office personnel to the scene, and the public reflection and the preliminary investigation of the police station showed that the deceased hanged himself. "Through the surface inspection of the corpse and the preliminary on-site inspection, I found that there were doubts about the scratches of the deceased. We conducted DNA and other on-site inspection materials to identify them as homicide, and then immediately organized on-site experiments to determine that the reporter was suspected of major crimes, and caught the major suspects on the spot."

"The autopsy usually takes two or three hours, sometimes seven or eight hours, and the body is stitched up. During the autopsy, the master either squats down or gets up, and there is no time to sit down. For a long time, the master's waist is not very good, and every time he sees the master, he is very distressed." said the disciple of Ali Tuerhong.

In his pursuit of "truth and fairness" and 28 years of forensic work, Ali Turhoun has completed a number of forensic clinical identification and forensic material evidence testing, and the Criminal Science and Technology Office in his charge has been rated as the National First Class Criminal Science Office by the Ministry of Public Security. For more than 20 years, he has participated in the investigation of all kinds of case scenes, without a single error, which provides a strong scientific basis for the investigation and resolution of cases. (End)


key word: Ali Turhoun Forensic Clinical Medicine Inspection material Iron evidence bureau of public security

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