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Appointment of professional visitors to the 6th China International Fair has been opened

On October 16, the reporter learned from the China International Import Expo Bureau that the appointment of the 6th China Import Expo has been opened to the professional audience of the trade group. Please note that the booking exhibition is only open to professional visitors of trade groups who have registered on the official website of the Expo, not to the unregistered public.

1、 Appointment requirements

(1) Select a day to make an appointment. Those whose certificates are not dated or marked with "November 6-10" can make an appointment for one or more days from November 6-10 (5 days in total). Those whose certificates are marked "November 8-10" can make an appointment for one or more days from November 8-10 (3 days in total).

(2) First come, first served. There is an upper limit for the amount of reservations on each day that can be reserved, first come first served.


2、 Appointment method

(1) The company makes an appointment on behalf. This method is applicable to the units that register the professional visitors of the trading group, and can make an appointment for the registered personnel of the unit, and log in with the unit account and password through "Access to the official website of the Expo www.ciie.org - Enterprise Business Exhibition - Professional Visitors - Audience Login - Personnel Admission Appointment".

(2) Personal appointment. This method is applicable to individuals who register professional visitors to the trading group, and the corresponding personnel make an appointment by themselves. Through the "China International Import Expo" App or WeChat applet, make an appointment after verifying the necessary information of the corresponding personnel in the "Home Page" - "Admission Appointment" column. After the appointment is successful, the corresponding professional audience will receive a confirmed mobile phone message.

3、 Other precautions

(1) Make an appointment in advance. If the quota of a single day is not full, the appointment of the corresponding date will be closed at 12:00 on the same day, for example, the appointment for admission on November 8 will be closed at 12:00 on the 8th.

(2) Off peak booking. According to previous statistics, the peak of passenger flow is expected to be on November 6 and 7, so it is recommended to make an appointment and enter the site by peak shifting.

(Head Office reporter Bai Tingjun)

key word: Stagger peak Professional visitors business delegation Official website Peak passenger flow

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