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Xinjiang's import and export volume to countries jointly built along the "Belt and Road" has soared, with a year-on-year growth of more than 50% in the first eight months of this year

China News Network, Urumqi, October 17 (Gou Jipeng) The reporter learned from the press conference on Xinjiang's solid promotion of high-quality development in the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt held on the 16th that in the first eight months of this year, the import and export volume of Xinjiang to countries jointly built along the "Belt and Road" was 206.68 billion yuan (RMB, the same below), with a year-on-year growth of 53.7% and a rapid growth.

On the 16th, a press conference was held in Urumqi to firmly promote the high-quality development of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt in Xinjiang. Photographed by Gou Jipeng

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. Over the past decade, as the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt, Xinjiang has given full play to its regional advantages and actively participated in the construction of the "Belt and Road", becoming the forefront of China's opening up to the west. He Guoqing, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Department of Commerce of Xinjiang, said at the above press conference that from 2013 to 2022, the import and export volume of Xinjiang will grow from 170.81 billion yuan to 246.36 billion yuan, with an average annual growth of 4.2%. Among them, the "Belt and Road" countries are the main import and export trade partners of Xinjiang.

Xinjiang, located in northwest China, has a number of ports, which is its natural advantage of opening to the west. In the first eight months of this year, the import and export freight volume of Xinjiang ports was 48.752 million tons, up 7.6% year on year. Among them, the import and export of railway ports was 16.122 million tons, up 22.1% year on year; The import and export of highway ports was 5.887 million tons, up 59.7% year on year. The number of entry-exit personnel was 953000, up nearly four times year on year. There were 9417 inbound and outbound regular trains between China and Europe, up 9.8% year on year.

The above series of growth data is a concrete manifestation of Xinjiang's efforts to open the Eurasian golden channel and improve the level of international road transport in recent years. Sun Jin, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Department of Transport of Xinjiang, said that since the initiative of jointly building the "Belt and Road" was put forward, Xinjiang has continued to deepen international road transport cooperation, opened 118 bilateral international road transport routes, 10 multilateral international road freight routes, and opened bilateral/transit cargo transport with Uzbekistan, Russia, Belarus, and Georgia.

In addition, over the past decade, Xinjiang has also continued to promote "soft connectivity" and "heart to heart connectivity" with countries jointly built along the "Belt and Road". According to the official statistics of Xinjiang, the inbound tourism market in Xinjiang has recovered and developed strongly since this year. In the first nine months, it received 2.3338 million inbound tourists and achieved an international tourism revenue of 1.036 billion dollars.

He Guoqing said that Xinjiang will continue to be committed to promoting the high-quality development of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt, actively building an Asia Europe golden channel to open to the west, further releasing the potential of Asia Europe land logistics and trade channels, and helping the "Belt and Road" to jointly build national and regional economic development. (End)

key word: The Belt and Road Initiative core area international road Year on year growth Golden Channel

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