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The tropical depression in the South China Sea continues to strengthen or lands along the coast of Sanya and the east

China News Network, Haikou, October 18 (Liu Shuang, Guo Dongyan) According to the information released by the Hainan Meteorological Station on the 18th, the Hainan Meteorological Bureau continued to issue a typhoon level IV warning at 9:20 that day. The tropical depression in the South China Sea is expected to strengthen into the 16th typhoon of this year (tropical storm level) during the day of the 18th, and land in Sanya, Hainan Island, to the coastal areas in the east from the night of the 18th to the morning of the 19th.


According to the monitoring, the tropical disturbance originally located on the western sea surface of the South China Sea has strengthened into a tropical depression on the afternoon of the 17th. At 08:00 on the 18th, the center of the tropical depression in the South China Sea was located at 16.9 degrees north latitude and 109.7 degrees east longitude, that is, on the sea surface of the South China Sea about 150 kilometers south of Sanya City, the center was close to the maximum wind force 7 (15 meters/second).

The Hainan Meteorological Observatory predicts that the low pressure will move northwest at a speed of 5-10 kilometers per hour, and will strengthen into the 16th typhoon of this year (tropical storm level) in the daytime of the 18th. It will land in Sanya, Hainan Island, to the coastal areas in the east from the night of the 18th to the morning of the 19th. The central intensity of the landing is tropical storm level (20~23m/s), and then gradually tends to the sea level of the Beibu Gulf.

The meteorological department of Hainan Province reminded that the vessels operating on the sea surface of Beibu Gulf and offshore of Hainan Island should quickly return to the harbor for shelter, and the relevant departments need to do a good job in risk prevention of maritime gale disasters. Qiongzhou Strait may be suspended again, so relevant departments are requested to make navigation arrangements, rush transportation of vegetables and melons and traffic control in advance. From the 18th to the 20th, the rainfall intensity in Hainan Island was high, and relevant departments need to take precautions against secondary disasters such as urban and rural waterlogging, farmland waterlogging, mountain torrents, floods in small and medium-sized rivers, and geological disasters. (End)

key word: Tropical depression tropical storm Beibu Gulf sea level meteorological observatory geologic hazard

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