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The latest marriage big data is released! The peak age of marriage registration is

Recently, the Ministry of Civil Affairs released the Statistical Bulletin of Civil Affairs Development in 2022 on its website.


Last year, marriage registration was 6.835 million yuan, down 10.6% from the previous year

The bulletin shows:

Last year, 6.835 million couples legally registered for marriage, down 10.6% from the previous year. The marriage rate was 4.8 ‰, 0.6 percentage points lower than the previous year;

2.879 million divorce procedures were handled in accordance with the law, an increase of 1.4% over the previous year, including 2.1 million divorce registered by the civil affairs department and 779000 divorce judged and mediated by the court. The divorce rate is 2.0 ‰;

There are 4310 marriage registration institutions and places nationwide, including 1103 marriage registration institutions.


The 25-29 age group accounted for the highest proportion of marriage registration population last year

According to the bulletin and relevant data:

In 2022, people aged 20-24 will account for 15.2% of the registered marriage population in China, down 1.3 percentage points from the previous year.

In 2022, people aged 25-29 will account for 37.24% of the married population, an increase of 1.96 percentage points over the previous year. Since 2013, they have become the age group with the highest proportion for 10 consecutive years.

The proportion of 30-34 year olds and 35-39 year olds in the married population continues to rise. Data shows that in 2010, the proportion of 30-34 year olds in the married population was 11.3%, and in 2022, the proportion was 20.72%. The proportion of people aged 35-39 will rise from 6.6% in 2010 to 9.14% in 2022. In 2022, the proportion of people over 40 years old in the married population will be 17.7%, which is 4.8 percentage points higher than that in 2010, although it is lower than that in 2021.

According to the age structure of the married population over the years since 2010, the age of marriage in China, especially the age of first marriage, has been significantly postponed.


Since this year, the wedding economy has recovered significantly

On January 20, 2022, Yang Jinrui, Deputy Director of the Population and Family Department of the National Health Commission, said in response to a reporter's question that as a new subject of marriage and childbearing, most of the "post-90s" and "post-00s" grew up and worked in cities and towns, had longer education years, faced greater pressure of employment competition, and the phenomenon of postponement of marriage and childbearing was very prominent.

In addition to the postponement of the age of first marriage, the number of marriages in China fell below 7 million last year, which is also related to the reduction of the number of marriageable people, changes in ideology, the impact of the epidemic and other factors.

The data shows that in the first half of 2023, the number of marriage registrations in China will be 3.928 million pairs, an increase of 196000 pairs year on year. Compared with marriage registration, the economy of wedding celebration, including wedding banquet, is more affected by the delay effect. Since this year, the wedding economy has seen an obvious recovery, and the sweet economy has continued to heat up. This year, the wedding market ushered in a wave of consumption boom during the Mid Autumn Festival National Day holiday.

Source: CNEW.com website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, First Finance, Pengpai News, etc

Editor: Zhao Xiaoqian

Editor in charge: Song Fangcan

(WeChat official account of China News Network)

key word: Marriage registration Proportion 2010 Post 90s Wedding celebration

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