Smart mothers will not give their children four kinds of food too early, which will affect brain development

19:54, May 16, 2017 Sina parenting
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Ms. Qin has always been a professional woman. She married her husband for five years before she planned to have a baby. Ms. Qin is 35 years old this year. Although Ms. Qin is a heroine in her career, she doesn't know anything about how to take care of her children.

So before giving birth to the baby, the husband and wife talked about taking over their mother-in-law. From the time when Ms. Qin was waiting for delivery to the time when the baby was more than seven months old, it was always her mother-in-law who was taking the baby with her. In order to work early, Ms. Qin also cut off her breast milk when the baby was more than five months old.

The baby has been eating milk powder, and gradually the grandmother makes some complementary food for the baby. Before, Ms. Qin never knew what the baby should eat as a supplementary food. Then one day, she accidentally saw that nothing was put in the vegetables her mother-in-law made for the baby, only porridge and a little vegetable leaves. Ms. Qin wondered whether such tasteless vegetable porridge could be loved by the baby? And no wonder I feel my baby is much thinner than other babies of the same age.

So when my mother-in-law went out, she put a little salt, tasted it and felt it was a little salty, so she put some MSG. But I didn't expect that this move was just seen by the mother-in-law who came into the kitchen. The mother-in-law quickly stopped her and could not help pouring out the porridge. Later, my mother-in-law said that the baby should not eat MSG too early, which is not good for the child's brain development and health.

In fact, not only MSG, there are several kinds of food that can not be given to the baby early, or it will really have a great impact on the baby's brain development. Many mothers don't think it's a big deal to eat, but the baby's development function and digestive system are extremely fragile.

So you think that food that is not a big deal will do great harm to the baby after it is given to the baby. And food is not a small thing for babies. It is an important factor directly related to the health of babies, so mothers must pay attention to it.

The first is fried food. Nowadays, some seemingly attractive fried food is often sold on the street or in shopping malls. This kind of food is the most attractive to children. However, we should know that these high-temperature fried foods contain a large amount of lipid peroxide, which is very likely to affect the brain development of babies. Therefore, fried food must be controlled.

Secondly, there are foods that contain a lot of salt, such as some pickles. Children prefer to eat this kind of delicious food, but this kind of food contains nitrite that we know, which will directly damage the human brain arteries and blood vessels.

Finally, there is popcorn with more lead. Many mothers treat popcorn as a healthy food for their children to eat as snacks. However, it is hard to get rid of excessive lead intake, which is easy to damage the baby's brain cells.

Source: Doubao's mother

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