The harm of expectant mothers' bad mood to their babies is beyond our imagination

11:29, September 21, 2017 Sina Weibo
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Every year, 4.2 is World Autism Day. Autism, also called autism.

Every year, 4.2 is World Autism Day. Autism, also known as autism, is caused in part by the mother's bad mood during pregnancy. The fetus is affected by the mother's mood, resulting in developmental disorders, losing the ability to learn and understand things and problems, unable to develop wisdom, and leaving only the reflection and instinct characteristics of animal attributes. Therefore, expectant mothers should build the best intrauterine growth environment for their babies by managing their emotional health!

   How the emotions of expectant mothers affect the fetus and baby

During 280 days of intrauterine life, on the one hand, the fetus ingests nutrients and excretes wastes from the mother through the placenta and umbilical cord; On the other hand, emotional communication is carried out through the placenta and umbilical cord. This is because: when the mother's mood changes, endocrine glands will secrete a variety of hormones. These hormones enter the placenta through blood circulation, which changes the blood composition of the placenta, thus stimulating fetal activities, such as increased fetal movement, faster fetal heartbeat, and elevated body temperature, which is exactly the same as the state of our adults when they are angry.

If we are angry, our body will secrete norepinephrine. We are often angry, and our spirit is always in a state of tension and excitement. This hormone will lead to physical diseases, even accelerated aging and even premature death. If we are happy, our body will secrete endorphins, which is called "happiness factor" by psychologists. The more we secrete, the happier we will feel. If the expectant mother is in such a state for a long time during pregnancy, our baby's mood will naturally be calm, stable and happy. And the art form of prenatal education can just stimulate the mother's body to secrete a lot of endorphins!

   The harm of expectant mothers' bad mood to their babies is beyond imagination

According to statistics, if the expectant mother is excessively nervous for a long time, such as anger, fear, pain, fright, anxiety, etc., it will have a negative impact on the fetal hypothalamus, resulting in a higher probability of suffering from mental illness in the future. Even if they are able to survive, they often have low weight infants, who are active, in poor mood, prone to crying, and have digestive disorders, with a high incidence.

In addition, the excessive anxiety of expectant mothers in early pregnancy can lead to embryonic dysplasia, abortion, and cleft lip and palate of the fetus. During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the fetal heart rate will increase or decrease, and the fetal movement will increase, resulting in low birth weight, heart defects, and physical dysfunction. It can also cause dystocia, placental separation, uterine bleeding, and even lead to fetal death.

A study by the University of Sussex in the UK found that if expectant mothers are often angry and angry during pregnancy, the heart rate changes after the birth of their children will be smaller. Experts explained that heart rhythm changes can reflect a person's health, because it reflects the process of the body's self adjustment to adapt to the outside world. If the heart cannot adapt to this change, and the heart rhythm changes are too small, it is more likely to be infected and suffer from heart disease. The smaller the heart rate changes in adults, the more likely they are to suffer from heart disease, which is precisely the reason.

In the late pregnancy, the baby's brain function has developed very well. What kind of emotional mode the expectant mother is in for a long time will be remembered by the baby's brain and body, and finally the baby's own emotions will be formed. The American research team tracked more than 100 pregnant women and their children for 7 years, and found that the emotional mode of children after birth can be inherited from the state of mothers during pregnancy, the highest inheritance can be as high as 37.5%!

   How can expectant mothers adjust their emotions?

Both good and bad emotions are energy. In particular, bad emotions should never be suppressed in the body, but should be allowed to flow out of their own hearts and bodies. Otherwise, it will have more or less influence on the health of yourself and your baby, even on the family atmosphere.

   1. Try to transfer emotions through participation in artistic activities. The art here can be listening to music, watching art exhibitions, even performing art creation, watching plays or movies, reading books you like, etc.... Find the art style you liked before pregnancy, and your concentration will no longer stay in bad mood as long as you participate in it.

   2. Write the date of pregnancy. Writing is a special and very effective way of combing emotions. When we are unhappy, we can try to express our feelings through writing and "telling" with pen and paper. You will find that when you write, you will be relieved slowly!

   3. Communicate with other expectant mothers. Expectant mothers will have many strange thoughts and emotions due to the appearance of the baby during pregnancy. If you can talk with your friends or good pregnant friends from time to time, you will find that, oh, all the problems you thought about are not problems, even many expectant mothers have been solved well.

   4. Give the baby prenatal education. It is a magic and fun thing to teach your baby. When you start to interact with your baby through prenatal education, you will have another attitude towards life. Your baby can understand your words and play with you in the stomach. If you are not happy, he is not happy. Then, why don't we let your baby be happy with you?


Source Weibo: Xie Fei's prenatal education time

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not's position.)

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