Yue Yunpeng rarely exposes his daughter in front of him. The little girl has a round face like her father

09:49, September 29, 2016 Sina parenting
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 Xiaoyue Yue Clashes with His Daughter for Her Birthday Xiaoyue Yue Clashes with His Daughter for Her Birthday

Sina Entertainment News: Yue Yunpeng on September 29 [Weibo] On his daughter's birthday, Little Yue Yue rarely showed a front photo of his daughter on his microblog, with the caption: "Today is my daughter Yue Luyi's birthday. My father wishes you a happy birthday. I hope you grow up healthily and happily." In the photo, Yue Luyi looks innocent and very cute. Netizens commented one after another: "The first daughter's expression was disgusted!" "Daughter: cold. JPG!" "What I read from her expression is, Dad, can I say bad?"

Source: Sina Entertainment

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