The 58 year old father suspects that his non biological son will take him and grandpa for appraisal

06:30, April 7, 2016 Huashang Website - Huashang Daily micro-blog
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You were not born by your parents. You were picked up from outside. " Many parents have told their children about such jokes, and children sometimes believe them, but soon understand that it is parents who scare themselves. However, a 58 year old man in Xi'an has believed for many years that he was not born.

Mr. Liu, 58, has already passed the age of knowing the fate of heaven, but one thing has tortured him for many years. Not long ago, after seeing a report of looking for relatives reported by the Chinese Business Daily, he went to the reporter and told his troubles for many years. "I always suspected that I was not born by myself, because when I was eleven or twelve years old, my father said that I was not born by myself. When I was eighteen or nine years old, someone came to my home to talk to my father. I always felt that what they said was related to my life experience. However, my father didn't tell me the truth. Whenever I read about the search for relatives in the newspaper or on TV, I would be very sad, and I would like to find my own biological parents. " He said that his parents also explained to him many times that he was not born but just a joke, but he just couldn't believe it.

The reporter then got in touch with Mr. Liu's son, who was deeply dissatisfied and helpless with his father's suspicion of his life experience. "My father doesn't know what's wrong. He is clearly a family. He always said that he was not born by himself. My father is very sad about this. This New Year, he talked about this again, which made my grandma cry again. It's no use trying to persuade him. It's really no good. I'll take him and my grandfather to have a paternity test and let the facts persuade him. "

The young man really did what he said. Two weeks ago, he took his father and grandfather to the Forensic Forensic Expertise Institute of the Fourth Military Medical University to do a paternity test. Considering that if his grandfather in his 80s knew that it was a paternity test, he would be unbearable. He lied to his grandfather about doing a physical examination.

On March 30, the paternity test results came out, and the reporter saw the test report that: according to the analysis of the test results, the genetic inheritance between test material 1 and test material 2 at 16 genetic marker points conforms to Mendel's genetic law, and the relative chance of paternity is greater than 99.9999%, which has exceeded the standard of positive paternity. Identification conclusion: It can be recognized that the individual who provided test material 2 is the biological child of the individual who provided test material 1.

The authoritative scientific conclusion finally completely dispelled the doubts that had haunted Mr. Liu for decades. On the 4th, when the reporter contacted Mr. Liu again, he finally smiled happily on the phone. Chinese Business Daily reporter Bai Ding

Original title: paternity test with father and grandfather

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