How to treat and prevent pregnancy hypertension?

06:00, September 28, 2016 Huasheng Online - Public Health News
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Hypertension during pregnancy is very common in expectant mothers and pathological obstetrics, with an incidence of about 5% - 10%. It is a group of diseases coexisting with pregnancy and hypertension, which seriously threatens the health of mothers and infants. It usually occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy, and pregnant women have diseases with hypertension, edema, proteinuria and other symptoms. In severe cases, convulsions, coma, heart and kidney failure may occur. So, what are the causes of pregnancy induced hypertension? How to effectively treat and prevent?

Dai Li, director of the obstetrics department of Xiangtan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, said that hypertension during pregnancy is the result of multiple factors such as mother, placenta and fetus. The specific causes include inflammatory immune overactivity, genetic factors, nutritional deficiency and insulin resistance.

Dai Li stressed that the basic principle for the treatment of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy is to let pregnant women rest, calm, relieve spasms, reduce blood pressure, supplement colloid and diuresis with indications, closely monitor the maternal and fetal conditions, and terminate pregnancy at the right time. In nursing care, adequate sleep should be ensured. If necessary, diazepam can be taken orally before going to bed to reduce the pressure of pregnant women, eat reasonable meals, let them eat more fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and it is not recommended to limit the intake of salt; Engaging in regular aerobic activities; Aspirin anticoagulation treatment shall be carried out when necessary.

Dai Li finally proposed that it is not complicated to prevent hypertensive disorder during pregnancy. She simply summarized it as 12 words, "moderate exercise, reasonable diet and calcium supplement". That is, insist on doing appropriate exercise, reasonably arrange rest, and enhance resistance to disease, but pay attention not to overwork caused by excessive exercise. The diet should be light, and adequate protein and calorie intake should be taken care of. An appropriate amount of calcium supplement will effectively reduce the incidence of hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy.

Xiangtan Maternal and Child Health Hospital Luo Ling

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