Newbie mother suckles improperly or causes mastitis

06:00, April 17, 2017 Information Times
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Information Times reporter Liu Fang

Intern Ke Xiaoting

Acute mastitis during lactation is a problem that many breast-feeding mothers will encounter. This disease often occurs in lactating mothers 3 to 4 weeks after delivery. Symptoms include breast pain, local skin burning, redness and swelling.

Many mothers suffering from mastitis are worried about whether they can continue to breastfeed. The doctor said that if it is acute mastitis, there is no need to stop feeding; But when mastitis appears abscess, stop breast feeding on the affected side.

   Cause 1

   The nipple is scratched by the tooth, causing bacterial invasion

Two and a half months after the birth of her baby, Ms. He, a novice mother, began to redden her right breast and gave very little milk. "At that time, I thought it was because the breast was blocked, so I asked a prolactist for breast feeding. After massage, the swelling was relieved, but the milk output was still very small, and it would rise after a little time." Ms. He said, so she went to the hospital for an X-ray, which showed that there was an abscess. The doctor advised her to return the milk and prescribed medicine for another 10 days. It took a week for her to get better.

In response to Ms. He's situation, Zhao Jinmei, a first-class nutritionist at Chongqing Medical University, said that it was likely that the infection was caused by bacterial invasion, the nipple was cracked, the milk was silted up, and the mammary duct was blocked. Zhao Jinmei reminded that breast milk mothers should pay attention to avoid nipples being scratched by teeth when feeding their babies. When an infant sleeps with nipples in his mouth or suffers from stomatitis, bacteria can directly invade the mammary duct and go up to the glandular lobule to cause infection. Therefore, once chapped nipples occur, they should be treated as soon as possible to prevent bacteria from invading and causing mastitis.

   Cause 2

   Congestion of milk easily leads to acute mastitis

Gu Chunxiao, a gynecologist at the Guangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that because the primipara were inexperienced in breast-feeding and had too much milk, the baby often could not absorb all the milk, which led to the accumulation of excess milk in the glandular lobules, which was also conducive to the growth and reproduction of bacteria. It is understood that the milk of primipara contains more exfoliated epithelial cells, which can easily cause breast duct blockage, aggravate milk stasis, and lead to acute inflammation.

Gu Chunxiao suggested that women who had only milk stasis in the early stage had mild symptoms and could continue to breastfeed. They should take positive measures to promote smooth milk drainage and reduce the congestion, such as holding up the breast with bandages or breast buttresses. The patients in the milk stasis period can continue to breastfeed and apply ice locally to reduce the secretion of milk. Novice mothers should develop a good habit of regular breastfeeding, sucking up the milk every time. If they can't, they should squeeze out or prevent the baby from sleeping with nipples.

   Can you continue feeding? Stop breast feeding on the affected side when abscess occurs

If the mother has mastitis, can she continue to feed her baby? In this regard, the doctor said that if it is acute mastitis, it is not necessary to stop feeding; But when mastitis appears abscess, stop breast feeding on the affected side.

Gu Chunxiao explained that if a mother with mastitis only has red and swollen breasts, which have not become pus, and the milk discharged is similar to normal milk in appearance, she can warm the milk before feeding it to the baby. Because if breast feeding is stopped, it will not only affect the baby, but also the milk of pregnant women may continue to accumulate. Therefore, when feeling breast pain, swelling, even local skin redness, not only can't stop breastfeeding, but also often feed the baby, so that the baby can eat the breast milk as clean as possible.

However, when the breast appears local suppuration, the breast on the diseased side will stop breastfeeding and milk will be discharged. At the same time, the healthy breast on the other side can continue to feed the child.

   How to restore? Reasonably arrange meals and avoid spicy and stimulating foods

Once a woman suffers from mastitis, the quality of milk production will decline. During the treatment period, the diet should be arranged reasonably. Good diet habits are very beneficial to the recovery of the disease.

Wang Leijun, a primary nutritionist, suggested that mastitis patients should avoid hot and spicy foods, such as leeks, peppers, mustard, wine, etc. Because these foods are easy to generate heat and transform fire, the heat and toxin of the disease become more intense and the disease becomes worse.

Patients should eat light, nutritious and lactating food, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. You can also eat more heat clearing food, such as day lily, celery, loofah, balsam pear, rape and tomato.

   meet professor

   Early symptoms of mastitis

   What is it?

Gu Chunxiao, gynecologist of Guangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, explained that the initial stage of acute simple mastitis was mainly breast swelling and pain, local skin temperature was high, there was tenderness, and there was a hard knot with unclear boundaries and tenderness. The local skin is red, swollen, hot and painful, with obvious induration and more obvious tenderness. At the same time, the patient may have chills, high fever, headache, weakness, fast pulse and other systemic symptoms. At this time, swollen lymph nodes may appear under the armpit, and there is tenderness. When the blood leukocyte count rises, it can be combined with septicemia in serious cases. Once symptoms occur, timely treatment is required.

   How to return milk scientifically?

Wang Leijun, a primary nutritionist, suggested that if you are going to "return milk", you first need to stop feeding, and drink less chicken soup, ribs soup and other soup foods.

In addition, you can buy 60 to 90g of raw malt and fry it with water as tea. Glauber's salt 250G is packed with two gauzes, applied to both breasts and bound, and replaced when it is wet and hard. During the milk returning period, the diet is light and the soup is less to reduce irritation. A few days before returning milk, the breast will still swell. When it swells, you must squeeze out a part of it. You must not let the breast swell too much. You must keep it half empty, so that you can avoid mastitis during returning milk.

(Original title: Novice mother suckles improperly or causes mastitis)

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