How does the mother of the second child deal with postpartum depression?

10:52, February 4, 2017 Information Times
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Information Times (reporter Xiong Jiayan, correspondent Wang Wei): After the birth of their second baby, many mothers quit their jobs to focus on taking care of their two children at home. Some of them developed anxiety and depression after the birth of their second child. The doctor reminded the mother of the second child to be more alert to postpartum depression.

According to Mo Xuan, the deputy chief physician of the Department of Psychology of the Fifth Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College, she recently received a mother in her 30s. She claimed that she had just given birth to her second child. Neither her parents in law nor her husband helped her, but also blamed herself. As a result, she was very depressed. She felt powerless to do anything. She often lost sleep, and sometimes had the idea of suicide. She felt that life was meaningless.

Mo Xuan said that the mother of the second child was likely to suffer from postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is an atypical depression after delivery. It usually starts within 6 weeks after delivery and can recover within 3-6 months, but it may also last for 1-2 years. Symptoms mainly include sadness, emotional instability, guilt, sleep disorders, concentration and memory difficulties, fatigue, excitability, etc. Mo Xuan reminded that once postpartum depression is diagnosed, you must receive psychological counseling and drug treatment in time, and also need the support and care of your family. "It's best to regain confidence by resuming work, or participate in scientific child education, more contact with groups with other mothers, and open social circles, so as to enrich your life and make yourself more passionate about life."

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