How to treat the "strange emotion" of postpartum new mothers

06:00, January 23, 2017 Huasheng Online - Family Guide
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Most women are a big family jewel when they are pregnant, but their status will suddenly change after the birth of their baby, which will lead to many pregnant mothers' emotions become very abnormal. Do you know what the "strange emotions" of postpartum new mothers are? Do you know how to deal with the new mother's "strange emotions"? Today, my editor will introduce you some knowledge about the wonderful ways to quickly drive away bad emotions after childbirth. Come and have a look, friends who are interested.

   The "strange mood" of postpartum new mothers

It is human nature that mothers love their children. But why do some new mothers hate their children? Where does this "strange emotion" come from? Is it postpartum depression? Is it a lack of love? New mothers are confused, and people around them are full of doubts. Let's open up all kinds of questions about "strange emotions" with the new mothers.

Recently, a mother with a seven month old baby sent a help seeking post on the forum. She told in her post. The baby did not bring her happiness, but made her feel very disgusted with the baby.

She felt that the arrival of the baby robbed her husband of his love for her and the time to get close to her. The mother felt guilty for her lack of love for the baby. Unexpectedly, the mother's post has aroused many new mothers' resonance, "Hate the baby?" - psychological projection of negative emotions

When a small life is born, a series of changes will take place in the new mother's life.

Physical discomfort, increased housework, changes in the relationship between husband and wife, and the hard work of feeding babies will more or less bring pressure to new mothers, resulting in anxiety, irritability, grievances, depression and other negative emotions.

In psychology, there is an important concept called psychological projection. The so-called psychological projection refers to an individual's unconscious projection of his own attitude, wishes, emotions, etc. onto things or others in the environment. This is a psychological phenomenon that often occurs in daily life, and it is also an important basis for psychoanalysis.

For a new mother, the difficulties and setbacks she encountered are the most direct, and the explicit factor is the arrival of the baby. As a result, this helpless little life unconsciously became the projection object of some mothers' negative emotions in distress, so the mother's direct feeling is that she hates this little guy.

   Three reasons make new mothers unable to extricate themselves

It was normal for some unhappiness and maladjustment after delivery. However, if this negative emotion lasts for a long time and is projected on the baby, it should be paid attention to. Generally speaking, the following three reasons make new mothers unable to extricate themselves.

   1. "Eggshell psychology"

According to the survey, most new mothers are about 20-27 years old. This age group has a common psychological phenomenon called "eggshell psychology". The main feature of "eggshell psychology" is that it is relatively fragile and has poor anti frustration ability.

From the perspective of the whole society, women in this age group generally have better living conditions. For those who are always in the role of being taken care of and protected in the family, and who have not taken heavy responsibilities, their coping ability will be weaker in case of difficulties and setbacks.

Under such a psychological background, some new mothers will be enveloped by postpartum negative emotions for a long time.

   2. Lack of family support

The birth of a baby concerns the whole family. At this stage, not only the new mother is facing a new life home, but also other members of the court are facing a new situation. Everyone's role orientation and relationship with each other will change greatly.

In this complex change, the understanding and support of family members play a vital role in the new mother's adaptation to the new life after childbirth.

Because of the arrival of the baby, the husband immediately transferred the love that was originally devoted to his wife to the child. The wife will form a great psychological gap before and after the birth. Some families have the idea of emphasizing men over women. Because of the birth of girls, the new mother has become an excluded and criticized person in the family.

The natural flow of love in a family is the basis of family harmony. The lack of love and encouragement is often the reason why new mothers can't get out of trouble.

   3. Not ready for new life

Before production, do you read books, publish lectures, sit and observe. Learn parenting knowledge and skills, such as feeding and bathing. Changing diapers, holding babies, etc? Do you have some knowledge about the normal growth and development of children, prevention and treatment of common diseases and safety precautions? These are directly related to the new mother to adapt to the new life.

In addition, the arrival of new life has also brought new burdens to the family economy, and the pressure of life is also the main problem of Zaowei's mother's postpartum maladjustment.

   How to deal with the new mother's "strange emotions"

New mothers should first realize that "strange emotions" are actually not strange. This is mainly because the pressure is beyond the range of oneself. Therefore, the new mother does not have to feel guilty, nor does she have to hide it deliberately.

You can find an appropriate time to talk about your feelings with your lover, or talk to a close friend. When negative emotions are released, the natural pressure will also be reduced.

   Establish positive emotional interaction with your baby

No matter how the new mother feels about her baby, she should take positive measures to guide the mother's role to develop in a healthy direction. New mothers may as well try to touch their babies more, often communicate with them emotionally, and actively breastfeed.

Gradually, you will find that your positive actions will also bring positive feedback to your baby. Over time, the positive emotional interaction between parents and children will be established, and the unpleasant feelings in your heart will gradually fade away.

   Special Movement in Special Period

After puerperium, proper exercise plays a very important role in adjusting the mood of new mothers. However, since the physical condition after delivery is different from that in normal days, the new mother should choose suitable sports according to her own situation.

Generally speaking, do not choose to run, skip rope, swim and other physical activities within 3 months after delivery. You can choose some rhythmic aerobics, and walking is also a good way. It is recommended that new mothers do 15 minutes of light physical exercise every morning and evening. However, do not exercise before or within an hour after meals. If you sweat after exercise, you should replenish water in time.

   Get out of the house and breathe fresh air

Taking the baby for a walk is a wonderful way for new mothers to get out of the haze. Warm sunshine and fresh air will bring a good mood to the new mother. The most important thing is that going out can let many new mothers meet by chance in the community. In such an atmosphere, they can exchange experiences with each other. It can help each other get through the psychological crisis safely.

   Husband's care is essential

The new mother's emotional recovery. The husband played a vital role. At this time, the husband should be more considerate of the new mother's emotional changes. When the wife is depressed, the husband should give more sympathy, support, love and understanding to avoid quarrels. At the same time, actively share housework and help take care of babies. In terms of diet and lactation. Ask your wife for advice.

   Tips for quickly getting rid of bad emotions after childbirth

   1. Listen to music and watch jokes

New mothers can try listening to music and watching jokes. Play some soothing music, and your mood will relax with the music; Or read some humorous and positive joke books, such as children's words and school jokes, which are often full of witticisms. After reading these books, most new mothers can feel better.

   2. Relax or rest properly

After the birth of a new mother, the focus of life is completely on the baby, thus giving up their own preferences, it is easy to become depressed. Moreover, taking care of the baby is very energy consuming, and the rest and sleep of the new mother cannot be guaranteed. People will become irritable and irritable when they lack sleep.

Therefore, if a new mother feels tired and tired, she can give the baby to a trusted person to take care of it for a few hours, and let herself relax or rest properly, so that her mood can be adjusted.

   3. Shift focus

Learning to shift the focus can help new mothers improve their depression. Because the new mother after childbirth is easy to get into a corner of an ox. When she is wronged, she will go deep along with the feelings of grievance, which eventually leads to such grievances being stuck in her chest and nowhere to release.

Therefore, if a new mother learns to shift her attention, consciously forgets this matter and turns to other things when she is wronged, she can quickly get rid of her bad mood.

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