The baby drinks milk powder and "gets angry". Parents should do these four things

00:33, February 23, 2018 Yangzi Evening News
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Newbie parents always have a variety of parenting problems. Recently, Xuanxuan's mother was confused. During the baby's 8-month physical examination, she asked the doctor, "I have always had poor milk. Two months ago, I began to mix feeding. This month, I was basically weaned and only drank milk powder. Recently, I always had a bowel movement in two or three days. It was dry, and my mouth was always smelly, and my skin was still dry. Could it be that the milk powder was on fire? Is it easier for artificially fed babies to catch fire? "

Xie Haihong, deputy chief physician of the Children's Health Department of Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital, said that "catching fire" is common in daily life, usually manifested as: constipation, dry stool, sour odor, yellow urine, throat, throat discomfort, abdominal distention, breath, swollen gums, more eyedroppings, loss of appetite, restlessness, anxiety and other symptoms, and the baby may also have frequent facial eczema Vomit milk, cry and sleep restlessly.

Dr. Xie explained that parents should not worry too much about this situation. The main reason is that the baby's digestive system is not fully developed, the digestive enzymes in the body are insufficient, resulting in incomplete food metabolism, and there are some metabolic substances that are not completely decomposed and are not discharged from the body in time. Parents are also advised to pay attention to the following points in their daily life:

First, the feeding method is appropriate. Precious breast milk is the first choice for babies, and breast feeding is advocated. If artificial feeding is necessary for various reasons, attention should also be paid to the composition of nutrients in infant formula milk powder according to different growth stages. When parents purchase infant formula milk powder, they must strictly follow the month age and formula of milk powder. In addition, pay attention to the storage method of milk powder. Improper storage of milk powder after uncapping, or failure to drink it in time after preparation, may cause pollutants to enter the milk powder and endanger the baby's health.

Second, a balanced diet. When adding complementary foods, parents should pay attention to the dietary balance, and follow the principle of "from less to more, from thin to thick, from simple to complex" to increase the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits. A large amount of cellulose and other food residues contained in vegetables can promote intestinal peristalsis, moisten the intestines and relieve constipation. You can try to chop spinach, cabbage, green vegetables, shepherd's purse and so on, put them into rice porridge and cook them together to make porridge for your baby to eat. Don't take some products with unknown ingredients to "extinguish the fire".

Third, cultivate living habits. Parents should train their babies to develop the habit of normal defecation from an early age. Excretion is as important as eating. Eating is for the baby's survival, growth and development. It can excrete wastes or harmful substances that make the body metabolize in time to avoid damage to the body. For example, let the older baby sit on the toilet regularly every day. Even if there is no stool, let the baby sit for ten minutes to establish a conditioned reflex.

Fourth, enhance self immunity. At present, most parents provide their children with a relatively healthy growth environment. The cold weather and less outdoor activities lead to less and less external immune stimulation to the baby's body. We should pay attention to properly increasing exercise time and strengthening immunity. (Shi Yue in Dandan)

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