Do you have any misconceptions about bringing children? Parents should know that these ways of bringing children are not good

08:38, January 24, 2018 Hualong
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For both parents, they hope that the baby they can educate is a good child that everyone praises. So many mothers may have ruined the education of their babies and would rather quit their jobs to become a housewife.

However, let me tell all mothers that although you gave up your dream for the future of your children, if you had to educate them in the wrong way, it is a pity that your sacrifices were also in vain

Therefore, on the way of educating children, our mothers must learn the correct way of raising children and strengthen their positions.

   Always holding children

Many old people complain that since their children learned to walk, they would disappear if they were not careful. As a result, many elderly people who take their children out of their sight always hold on to their children.

So, what are the adverse effects of holding children often?

First of all, for children who can walk, if they are often held, they are even more lazy to walk on their own. When they go out, they are always held by adults. Secondly, "activity quotient" is also a manifestation of "intelligence quotient". The more activities, more hands, and more thinking children have, the more helpful they will be to physical development.

   Destroy baby's concentration

I wonder if there is such a situation in your family:

The child is concentrating on building blocks or reading books, and the old man always interacts with the baby from time to time.

"What are you playing with? Don't sit on the ground. It's easy to catch cold. Come and drink some water. Come on, eat an apple..."

There are always mothers complaining about their children's poor concentration, but have you ever provided an environment for children to exercise their concentration? It is difficult for infants and young children to concentrate. If parents do not pay attention to training, it is not easy to let children focus on one thing.

If you are worried that your child will catch cold, you can make preparations before the child focuses on "doing things" without interrupting. If it's time for dinner, it's better to give a few minutes' notice in advance to give the child a certain buffer period.

   Asking children to learn to stand early

Seeing that children younger than themselves can stand and walk, the old people are worried. I wish my children could walk quickly to show that they are strong and intelligent.

Each child's own development should not force the child to stand and walk, which is not conducive to bone development, but also can lead to muscle injury.

Children need to stand and walk on a certain basis, step by step. When the time comes to stand, children will naturally stand and walk on the same road. When children's leg muscles develop strength, they will naturally step forward.

   Feeding without principles

I don't know if you have noticed that many elderly people in life are not scientific in feeding children conveniently. Fear that the baby will not have enough to eat, add more spoons of milk powder, chase the baby around with a bowl to feed, stop the baby crying with snacks, and replace the main meal with snacks......

Such similar feeding methods are often performed in places where you can see or cannot see. Maybe you always complain about why children don't like to eat and why they can't eat independently at the age of 3? Not to mention the impact of these feeding methods on children's independence and shaping good habits, this diet alone is not good for children's health.

   Afraid of children's cold, always wear more clothes

Many elderly people may not know much about "mugging syndrome". If children are put on too many covers, the human body temperature will suffer from hypoxia, sweating, prostration and even coma due to failure to dissipate heat in time.

Children's nerve endings have poor blood circulation ability, often cold hands and feet. This normal phenomenon is often mistaken by the elderly for wearing less, so they wrap the children layer by layer.

Secondly, the old man's own constitution is cold, so he will also feel that the child is cold.

However, children's metabolism is fast, and they exercise a lot, so they are very easy to sweat. If they wear too much, they are more likely to catch a cold.

   To comfort children, they always shirk responsibility

During the Spring Festival, when visiting relatives and friends, the old people often shirk their responsibilities to comfort their children. The child just learned to walk and fell on the strange floor. Children and other children compete for toys and cry, blaming others for not sharing. The child accidentally ate chili and blamed the food for being too hot......

I was stunned by such excuses. When a child falls down while walking, it is because he has just learned to walk and cannot completely control his body balance; It is normal for children to compete for toys. There is no reason to force others to share; If you accidentally eat pepper, you can put it out of the reach of children next time.....

The growth of children needs a process, and children should learn to accept the setbacks on the growth path, rather than blindly shirking responsibility.

   Don't touch anything and lose curiosity

"Don't run, or you'll fall down."

"You can't play like this next time. How dangerous it is to fall down!"

"How can the black sheep tear down the toys?"

In life, do you often hear the old people often scold the children like this, and you wish the children would not touch anything and just sit aside and play quietly? But which child is not full of curiosity about the things around him, and he likes to touch it because he wants to understand and explore.

The old man takes care of the children, and blindly forbids the children to try to touch, which will only destroy the children's curiosity, adventure and innovation spirit.

If the child is suppressed for a long time, it is easy to cause emotional outburst, or form a "double faced" character performance.

   Wantonly meet the children's requirements

As long as children are obedient, they can watch TV for a long time, buy any toys and snacks they like, and play with computers at will.

Many mothers report that children are spoiled by the old people at home and become lawless. Sometimes, if they do not meet their requirements slightly, they will splash on the ground to achieve their goals. In this regard, parents are advised not to accuse children in public. When children are angry, they can take appropriate measures to cool down or divert their attention, so that children can understand that crying can not solve the problem.

In addition, it is also necessary to give children some frustration education, so that children can understand that only by giving can they gain.

   Estrangement from parent-child relationship

It is perfectly normal that the child should be brought up and kissed. You can't throw your children to the old people every day, but you need them to remain close to you. This kind of request seems to be a little overbearing.

However, many young mothers are unable to take care of their children full-time due to work, which naturally affects the parent-child relationship.

It is suggested that mothers of office workers insist on having breakfast with their babies, give their babies a hug before and after work every day, cherish the time spent with their babies at night and on weekends, and communicate more with their children and accompany them more.

The elderly may have problems with their children in one way or another, but the starting point is nothing more than to be good for the baby and not to be too strict with the elderly.

If you can't raise children in person, you must communicate with the elderly to get rid of these bad childcare habits.

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